Status: Active

You Are My Everything

Play Three Again

Annalyse sat on her bed, engrossed in a book, as Brendon walked around her room, trying to find something to keep him busy. He finally sighed, turning on her stereo, not caring that she was reading.
She stared at him as he danced around the room, coming over to the bed and trying to get her to dance too. She laughed, pushing him away. As he continued to dance like a complete dork, she threw her paperback book at him. He looked up, a playful shocked look on his face. He jumped on the bed and started tickling her. She broke into a fit of laughter as he playfully attacked her. He laid on top of her, not allowing her to break free.
"Umm..." They heard from the doorway, someone clearing their throat. Brendon got off of Annalyse, Ryan glaring at him the whole time.
He passed Ryan, not saying a word, and headed downstairs. As Brendon passed, Ryan entered the room. Annalyse sat up in the bed, giving Ryan room to sit on the foot of the bed.
"Looked like you guys were....having fun." he said coldly, as he sat down.
"It's not like you need me. You have Caitlin now." Annalyse spat back. He sighed as she turned to look out the window.
"It doesn't mean a thing. Why do you let it bug you so much?" he asked.
"It doesn't bug me." she said, keeping her eyes locked on the bare street.
Ryan laughed in disbelief. He put his hand on top of hers. His warmth made the bitterness in her body melt away. She tried not to let it show how he affected her. She hated it. How she let him control her.
Annalyse moved her hand.
"Ryan, she'll end up hurting you. She probably just wants sex. I love Cait to death, but I can't deny the fact that she's kind of a whore. She probably knows that if she can talk you into taking her to that party, you will both get drunk and end up having sex. Then you'll be stuck wanting more out of it and she'll just drop you. It's how she is."
Ryan's eyes were wide as she finished. He stayed quiet for a few minutes.
"I don't love her. I'm in love with someone else." His voice was low. Annalyse looked up at him, but he looked away and continued before she could ask any questions. "I'm not going to have sex with her. You should know me better than that." he whispered, staring into her eyes. It was then that they realized how close they were, causing Annalyse's heart to speed up.

Ryan leaned in a little closer, while Annalyse closed her eyes...