Status: Active

You Are My Everything

When The Day Met The Night

Annalyse awoke with the sun in her eyes.
Yawning, she felt a pair of arms tighten around her waist.
She looked beside her to see Brendon's sleeping face.
She couldn't help but smile.

Brendon started to stir as Annalyse tried to easily remove his arms from around her.
As he woke up, he stretched. Annalyse stood up, doing the same.
He looked at her, his hair sticking up at odd angles. She giggled.
Brendon sighed as he saw how beautiful she looked. Right out of bed, she was still beyond stunning.
Annalyse grabbed some clothes, walking to the bathroom to get a shower.
While she was getting ready, Brendon remembered how Ryan didn't call her the night before. He was hoping Ryan wouldn't back out of taking Annalyse to the party. It would crush her. He didn't want Ryan to hurt her. But on the other hand, it would give Brendon the perfect opportunity to capture her heart.
He felt really selfish thinking that though. He wanted Annalyse to be happy. That's all that mattered.

When Annalyse was finished getting ready, she searched for her cell phone. She finally found it on the couch, where she had left it the night before. To her disappointment, nothing had changed. No missed calls. No new texts. Her heart fell. How could her best friend do that to her?
"Do you want to go get something to eat?" Brendon asked, trying to take her mind off of Ryan.
She nodded, getting her purse.
They drove to Waffle House. They joked around in the booth while they waited for their food. Annalyse loved how happy she was with Brendon. He would do anything just to get her to smile. She couldn't stop focusing on how amazing he was.
"Please Bren. Come with me!" she begged.
"I don't know Anna. Ryan is probably going to pick you up like it was planned and you'll have a fantastic time with him. You won't need me." Brendon said.
She gave him a look. "It won't be the same without you. I don't want to go if you won't be there. It's just not fair."
He laughed. She was being so stubborn. "Fine. MAYBE. It's not a definite yes though." he said, trying to be complicated.
Annalyse squealed. She hugged him from across the table.
They continued talking and eating when her phone vibrated loudly on the table.
They both looked at each other, knowing it was Ryan.
Annalyse answered, the two getting completely silent.
"Hello?" she said.
"Hey." Ryan said uncomfortably. "Sorry I didn't call you last night. I was busy at home."
Annalyse bit her lip. "It's okay." she whispered, sliding her finger along the edge o the table.
"Uhm. I have some bad news." he said.
Annalyse's heart fell. Brendon heard what he said and reached his hand out to hold hers. "What?" she said, trying not to show that there was anything wrong.
"'re really going to hate this, but Caitlin called me." Ryan said.
Annalyse tensed. He was choosing HER over his best friend?!? She felt Brendon squeeze her hand and gave him a thankful smile.
"She said she needs me to come over. She said that she is in trouble. So I told her I'd be over soon." he explained.
"So, you aren't going to the party anymore?" she asked, trying her hardest not to sound pissed off.
"I am. I will be there. I just don't know when." he sighed. "I'm really sorry Alyse. I really am. But I'll be there. I promise. She just sounded really bad on the phone. And she needs help."
Annalyse wanted to scream. But she held it in. "Okay. I guess I'll see you later then. I'm going with Brendon." she said.
Ryan didn't say anything for a few moments. "Oh." was all he came up with. "Well, I'll try to get there as soon as possible." he continued.
"Okay. See you later then." she said, trying to sound unaffected by the news.
"Okay. Bye." he said.
"Bye." she closed her phone.
When her eyes met Brendon's, her eyes started to water.
He came over to sit beside her. He hugged her tight. He had a feeling something like this would happen.
"Who cares Anna. We'll still have a lot of fun. I promise."
She smiled up at him. As she wiped her tears, she told herself that it wasn't worth it to be upset. She would go with Brendon and have the time of her life.
She looked at the time. It was already 5.
"Come on! We need to get you ready for the party!" she said, pulling him up so they could pay the check.
They headed back to Brendon's house to find him clothes.
By 6:30, they left for the party.

When they arrived at Cody's house, they said hello to everyone. They knew a lot of people there. Most of them were just from school. There were a few others that were in college. Annalyse grabbed two drinks, handing one to Brendon. She held it up. "Cheers!" she yelled over the music. He smiled and said it back.
They danced around a little bit. Neither of them drank much. They just danced, screamed along to music, talked, and laughed at all the drunks around them.
Annalyse yelled to Brendon that she was going to find the bathroom. She went upstairs to search. As she went down the hall, she opened doors only to be yelled at by a couples that were trying to get privacy.
She came to the last door of the hallway. As she opened it, she found anything but a bathroom.
What she did find made her sick to her stomach. It was another pair of teenagers.
A skinny, brown-haired boy hovering over a blond girl. Both of them were all too familiar, and not to mention half-naked.
She was hoping that her eyes were playing tricks on her. That she had more to drink than she had thought and it was messing with her, but she knew that wasn't the case. What was playing out before her eyes was real. It was confirmed by the boy looking up at the door when she entered. He had the most sorrowful look on his face. Like he just realized what was going on for himself. He looked down at Caitlin, and back up at Annalyse. As her face burnt red and tears stung her eyes, he pushed himself off of the bed. He searched everywhere for his clothes, rushing to get dressed. Annalyse stood frozen in the doorway. Caitlin just had a wicked smile on her face. Annalyse's head was spinning and she felt the need to get sick. She turned out of the room and walked down the hall. As she descended the stairs, Ryan was running after her.
"ANNA! ANNALYSE WAIT! PLEASE!" he shouted as he ran down the stairs after her.
Annalyse was in a trance. She didn't even blink. She couldn't talk, think, or do anything but walk.
Brendon heard Ryan yelling from the other room and rushed into the living room to see Annalyse walking away from him lifelessly.
"ANNALYSE!" Ryan continued to shout, bringing the party to a halt. Everyone was looking at them.
"What the fuck did you do Ryan?" Brendon yelled at him.
"I didn't- No. I didn't want to hurt her. I love her. What the fuck. Oh my god. She was right." Ryan started freaking out. He ran his hands through his hair and over his face.
Brendon went after Annalyse, leaving Ryan to ramble to himself.
He ran out of the house, running down the street after her.
In the middle of the road, she dropped to her knees. Brendon reached her trembling side. He hugged her as tight as he could. She latched on to him with all of her might, crying hard into his shoulder.
Brendon just picked her up, carrying her to the car. He held her hand the whole way back to his house and carried her to his room when they got there. Her crying had calmed a little, but her tears were still falling. No words were said for a while. Brendon wasn't going to urge her to talk. He was waiting until she was ready.
Since they had left the party, Annalyse's phone wouldn't stop ringing. She ignored it. Brendon finally took it, just so she wouldn't have to hear it anymore. It was Ryan calling of course. And the voicemails were starting to pile up. He even tried calling Brendon's phone a countless number of times. Brendon just ended up turning them both off.
"How could he?" she whispered, taking Brendon by surprise. He wiped her tears off of her face, but they were just replaced by fresh ones.
"He was going to have sex with her, Bren. I knew she'd do that to him. I knew she was going to try to get him to sleep with her." she rambled. Brendon just hugged her tighter, letting her get everything out.
He let her cry, talk, scream, and stay in his arms for hours.
She felt so safe in his arms, and she didn't want to leave them.
Her tears finally came to a slow stop. He wiped the remaining tears off of her cheeks when she looked up at him.
Suddenly, without thinking about it, she leaned in, placing her lips on his.
Brendon wasn't expecting it at all. He was stunned.
She pulled back and smiled. His heart speed up and his face burned.
She was embarrassed and didn't know what to do next. She looked down at her lap so he wouldn't see the bright pink tint on her cheeks.
He lifted her chin up so their eyes connected again. They both smiled and Brendon captured her lips in another warm kiss.
The kisses grew stronger and heavier.
Their breathing sped up.
Their hearts raced.
The nights' events was something they would both remember forever.
The feelings captured in it were pure.
Neither of them felt like what happened was a mistake.
They were best friends but becoming so much more.
Even if neither of them were sure that this was the best way for that to happen.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you all like it was much as I do.
I've got lots of good ideas in store.
And I'm hoping to update more.
School is coming to an end, so that should help.

I hope you enjoyed part 7.