Status: Active

You Are My Everything

The World is Changing Right Before My Eyes

Brendon hadn't spoken with Annalyse since that night.
He hadn't heard anything from Ryan either. But that really didn't bug him. Ryan was the last person on earth that he had wanted to see.
Annalyse on the other hand, Brendon was dying to talk to her.
He was so confused about the events that had taken place that night.
He had many questions that needed answered.
He was going to try to call her, but was afraid to. She was probably still pretty shook up after she had left, he didn't want to push any more stress on her.

Annalyse had fallen asleep in Brendon's arms that night.
She had done this many times before. A countless number of times actually.
But that night, it was different.
She had shared something with him that night. She never thought anything like that would ever happen. But it did. And she really didn't know what to do.
She barely slept. She just laid next to a peaceful, sleeping Brendon, wondering what was going to happen next. What would come of this. The biggest question was, would her friendship with Brendon ever be the same?
She didn't want to think about it, but she knew that it would come down to choosing between her best friends.
One that she had known forever and had the biggest crush on, but he hurt her terribly.
Or the sweet, loving one that she had shared the night with in a way she never thought she would.
She didn't want to forgive Ryan for what she saw, but he had a charm over her. She loved him. She had a feeling that over time, he would work his way back into her heart. She had that weakness for him and she hated it.
Brendon was such a great guy, but Annalyse was so afraid of losing him as a friend that she was reluctant to start any sort of bigger relationship.
She was stuck. She had no idea what was going to happen, but she was sure that someone would be hurt.

Annalyse was getting ready to leave, so she wrote a note to Brendon, leaving him to sleep.
She knew it wasn't the right thing to do, but she had to clear her mind.
She grabbed her phone off of his nightstand and headed downstairs.
As she came out of the house, she felt the cool air whip at her face.
She finally turned her phone on. Her inbox was full of texts from Ryan and he had left about fifteen voicemails.
It was kind of pathetic when you thought about it. But he sure was persistent.
As she walked down the street to her own house, she tried to clear her mind. She didn't want to face whatever was to come. She just wanted to go back to the way things were. When she had no problems at all and still had her two best friends.

Annalyse was walking up the sidewalk towards her house when she spotted a figure on her doorstep.
As she walked closer, she realized the hungover, boyish figure to be none other than Ryan.
"What are you doing here?" she groaned.
He slowly lifted his head towards her. His eyes brightened as he saw that it was really her.
"ANNA!" he gasped, standing up.
She walked towards the door, pushing him to the side as she walked past him.
"Anna please. Let me explain." he begged.
"Why? You didn't have fun 'helping Cait with her problems?' It looked like you were doing pretty good job as you were hovering over her on that bed." she spat.
He sighed in defeat. He knew it wasn't going to be easy. There was no way of getting out of it. She had seen everything.
"I don't know why I did it." he said.
"Oh, really?" she laughed.
"Look, Annalyse I'm sorry. You were completely right. She seduced me, just like you had expected. I should have listened to you. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have went over there at all." he pleaded.
"Ryan, just leave me alone for a while." Annalyse said sadly, turning in the doorway to head in.
"Where were you all night? I've been here the whole time since you left the party." he asked.
"You have no right to be asking what I've been doing." she said angrily.
He looked down.
"If you weren't too drunk to remember, I was with Brendon. He took me home. I stayed over there." she continued.
He looked hurt, yet he couldn't really say much. He had absolutely no right to.
"Okay. I will give you your space. But you can't avoid me forever. We need to talk this out at some point." he explained.
She stared at him for a minute before just shutting the door.

Annalyse dragged herself up the steps. She stripped herself down and got into the shower. Salty tears ran down her face as she turned the water on. The warm water quickly washed over her face, wiping the traces of sorrow off of her face. But it didn't make her feel any better.
She had never felt like this before.
She felt completely lost. Like a little kid with no direction as to where she should be headed. She was afraid of what was to come next.
But what she didn't fully know, was that her whole world was about to be flipped upside down.
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Sorry about the delay.
I will try to continue posting more often.
I also have a new story in the works.

Give me feedback about this one.
I'd love to know what people think.