‹ Prequel: Hiccuping
Status: Active



"Lisbon, I need to talk to you" called Jane as the petit agent hurried to the interrogation room, "not now Jane later" she protested before pushing the door open "I'll hold you to that" he called after her trough the door.
*two hours later*
"Lisbon we need to talk" said Jane "now really?" she questioned before sprinting past him after tall muscular man, "yes now you said later and it's later" explained Jane as Lisbon tackles the man to the ground, "wait 'till we get back to the office then we'll talk" she said handcuffing the man currently under her right knee, "ok" he said much like a small child.
*one and a half hours later*
"Lisbon we need to talk now" Jane demanded stepping in to her office to see her stood with a pile of case files, "Jane cut me some slack I have to take these case files down to forensics" protested Lisbon "no one ever cuts me any slack" said Jane matter-o-factly "you're still alive aren't you" she said brushing past him in the door way, "yeah so we still need to talk now" he complained "I'm busy" she said quickly beginning to make her way to forensics, "wait" he said catching her arm and turning her to face him out side the supply cupboard "I need.." but before she could finish her protest he placed his index finger to her lip. "Hush" he told her seductively then suddenly he swiped the the files from her, "hey" she yelped behind her finger "hey officer Marks would you take these to forensics for Agent Lisbon please and she put a good word in for you with Agent Kites" he said thrusting the files in to the hands of the young uniformed officer, "sure" he beamed walking away with the files "Jane" she protested behind his finger again, "right we need to talk" he said opening the cupboard door, pushing her inside before following and shutting the door. Inside the cupboard the two stood, chests pressed together, Jane's hands on the shelves either side of Lisbon's head and Lisbon's hand settles on Jane's three price suit covered chest, "Teresa" started Jane looking deep in to her emerald eyes, "Patrick" she said sarcastically looking in to his blue almost turquoise eyes. "Teresa I know you will not approve of what I am about to tell you but please just listen" he said his voice echoing seniority and his eyes echoing an emotion Lisbon had never seem in them before Love, she nodded yes in agreement to his terms, "right" he said taking a deep breath taking in her sent as he readied himself, smiled gently at him as a way of encouragement. "Teresa Lisbon I love you I need you since you had hiccups and I kissed you the urge to do that everyday has only grown stronger and then when you kissed me in my attic I thought that was it but we didn't utter another word about it and all I want to know is where we stand you and I because I.." but before he could continue she softly placed her index finger on his moving lips. "Hush Patrick" said Lisbon seductively before replacing the pressure of her finger with the pressure of her lips and her hands travelled from his chest to his cheeks. He quickly caught up and lightly nipped her bottom lip but as she was about to lick his bottom lip the supply cupboard door flew open to reveal the emotionless face of Kimball Cho, the two kissing stopes abruptly and turned their head to face Cho. "Boss could you pass me that stapler please?" he asked gesturing to the stapler behind her head, "here" she said passing it to him, "thanks" he said blankly before shutting the door, "well where do we stand? Except in a cupboard" asked Jane "we stand together as always but this time there is a difference" she said twirling a ringlet of his golden curls round her ringer, "and what might that be?" he asked holding her close, "this time we're in love" she said before gently placing a kiss on his unshaven cheek. "Good" he said opening the door, the two stepped from the cupboard looking rather sheepish, Lisbon's shirt slightly untitled and cheeks blushed and Jane's hair messed up and his smile wide. "Coffee and a bear-claw Lisbon?" asked Jane "please" she said beaming at him, "always my dear" he mused then they parted ways, Lisbon sauntering quickly to her office and Jane almost skipping to the kitchen where as the kettle boiled he mulled over what the future would hold for himself and a particular senior agent of the CBI.
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ok Tell me what you think i wanna know