‹ Prequel: Hiccuping
Status: Active



Hiccuped Caskett 
"Thanks Kate" said Alexis hugging Beckett's arm softly, "that's ok Alexis any time" replied the older women as they sat in the limo taking them to the Nikki Heat movie premier right there in New York, "I have to ask how did you do it get Dad to let Ash come?" whispered Alexis gesturing to her Father and Boyfriend clad in suits awkwardly sat side by side opposite herself and the detective. "Well I said you wouldn't want to be talking to us all night" said Beckett nonchalantly, Alexis raised her eye brow skeptically "and I said that if Ashley doesn't go to keep you entertained you would go off with some 24 year old psycho actor" said Beckett with a smile, "thanks I owe you one" whispered Alexis "no no as long as you sit by me in the showing" said Beckett nudging the younger women with her elbow, "of course I'm not sitting by dad for those sex scenes" teased Alexis whispering. "We are here" said Castle loudly, "good" Beckett beamed, Alexis in her light blue dress and Ashley got out first to be met by the rumble of cameras, "ready?" he asked looking at the fear struck detective "never" Beckett replied, they climbed out to be met by flashes and questions, Beckett kept her one eye on the older Castle on her arm and the other younger Castle who she had come to care greatly about. "Mr Castle Mr Castle over here" yelled the paparazzi, he turned them towards the cameras "smile" he whispered his hot breath sending a shiver down her spine, "Kate Beckett who are you wearing?" yelled a reporter gesturing to the full length strapless deep blue silk dress that sat perfectly on the her curved body, Beckett turned to Castle puzzle "who made your dress?" he whispered in her ear "um it's um my mum's" yelled Beckett over the noise, "can we go in now please?" she asked her eyes pleading with him, he nodded as his arm snaked around her waist as he lead them inside where they once again met up with the younger couple. "Drinks ladies?" Castle asked looking between his muse and daughter, "coke please dad" said Alexis beaming, "Kate?" the use of her first name unnerved  the detective greatly as did the ease of which it rolled from the writers tongue, "some thing stronger?" he asked with a smirk, "please ... Rick" she replied with a smile using his first name felt so right less formal, "ok cool i'll get them" said Castle turning on his heels and heading for the bar, "Wait, Mr Castle sir allow me" exclaimed Ashley running after the older man. "Wow Alexis, Ashley is well nice" said Beckett nudging the young women with her elbow, "yeah he just so lovely Kate" replied Alexis in a dreamy voice "nice, kind, thoughtful, fun, clever, funny and just so just well you know" continued Alexis coming to an awkward end because Beckett hadn't had a boyfriend lately and she did not to rub it in but to Alexis's surprise the older women replied with a rather confident "oh I do I know all too well", Alexis beamed as Beckett realised what she had said and slapped her hand over her mouth. "Ladies, your drinks and if you would like to follow me" said Castle appearing and handing Beckett a large glass of red wine to which Beckett let out a sing-song "ooh my favourite" then a coke to Alexis earning him a "thanks dad", "ok follow me" said Castle once again snaking an arm around Beckett's slender waist and leading her in to the theatre followed by the younger couple holding hand, "here we are" said Castle suffering his way along the row to his seat, between every two seater booth sat a table for drinks so much to Castle displeasure Alexis sat in a paired seat with Ashley but his displease was soon remedied when he realised this allowed his to sit alone with Beckett. "Castle sorry Rick you've been awful quiet ever since we left your apartment I thought you would be jumping off the walls" mused Beckett sipping her wine, "I just want to.." but before Castle could say anymore, Alexis called out instantly getting Beckett, "Kate would it be ok if Ashley and went to get some popcorn?" asked Alexis "sure hang on" said Beckett digging in her small clutch bag, "here" said the older women giving the younger a $10 bill, "thanks Kate" said Alexis beaming, "thank you Detective Beckett" said Ashley awkwardly "Ashley, call me Kate" said Beckett as a maternal wave rushed over her watching the two walk away holding hands, "don't be long" yelled Kate after them. "Oh sorry Rick I should have asked you first I'm so sorry" said Beckett turning back to him biting her lip nervously, "it's fine really I'm glad Alexis has a responsible female role-model my mother isn't always the best and I feel I fail in that department" said Castle boldly holding her hand, "well she's not screwed up yet so what were you saying?" she asked giving his hand a squeeze "I was saying that you would make a great mum you're like one to Alexis even she has said she feels like you're a surrogate  mother for her" said Castle with a warm smile, "do you want to know why I do it?" she asked before sipping her wine again, he nodded sipping his beer, "well apart from being able to play mum to the nicest kid on this planet I get to see you smile and yes I know you're always smiling but when you know Alexis is safe and happy you smile a different smile one that screams love and that's the smile I love" said Beckett suddenly very interested in her wine glass, "you what...?" asked Castle, "that's the smile I love because to tell the truth I love you but not like I love Esposito, Ryan, Lanie or Alexis I love you like like I've never loved anyone else" admitted Beckett, "good" said Castle squeezing her hand, "good?" she asked puzzled, "because you'll never guess what detective but well I love you too more than I have ever loved any other women" said Castle, "well when you put it that way" said Beckett before crushing their lips against one another, he reacted instantly moving there lips in sync. They pulled away breathless "now that wasn't because you felt hiccups coming on was it Kate?" he teased, "you're the one that was hiccuping last" she quipped "I love you" he said kissing her forehead, "I love you too and you better not have meant what you said about loving me more than any other women because I don't think Alexis or Martha will be very happy" said Beckett with a warm smile, "oh I think she'll be just fine" said Castle gesturing to his daughter and her boyfriend kissing at the door of the theatre, "I think she will, and so will we" said Beckett snuggling in to his side, the two beamed at the younger couple as they re-took their seats, just before the film began, through out the film Castle and Beckett stayed cuddled together as the younger pair copied them but as the film started Alexis an Kate held hands over the table between then they both knew this was how it should be but they could only hope the future would be like this too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not long until it end forever