Sequel: Switchblade Hate

Switchblade Love

Chapter One. The Truth.

Sam and Pete walked slowly through the park in silence. They walked close and both glanced longingly at each other every now and then. Pete broke the silence.

“How did this happen? When did you find out? How did you find out Sam?”

“I don’t know, it just kinda happened dude. What am I supposed to say to you Pete? That this is all a big joke, a lie, some big trick?”

“No! I’m happy for you man. But I mean like, how did you find out you were, you know...”
“Well, umm... How can I say this?”

“Just say it Sam man. I won’t freak I swear.”

“Well, um, Pete. You promise you won’t freak? Honestly?”

“Honestly Sam! Trust me man.”

“Okay. Pete I like you.”

“I like you to man. We’re best mates. I have to like you.”

“Haha. But Pete, I mean I like you...”

“Oh. Sam, umm...”

“Shit. See what I’ve done? I’ve ruined our friendship dude! I suck.”

“No Sam! You don’t suck! You’re amazing! But just tell me something.”

“What else is there to tell, dude?”

“When did you find out you felt like that about me? And where?”

“That’s two things Pete. But you remember that time last week I slept round yours?”

“Then? Why didn’t you tell me sooner man?!”

“Well it’s kind if awkward! Plus it’s embarrassing, as you don’t feel that way back Pete! Ever thought that maybe I was scared?”

“Sam listen to me man...”

“No Pete! Dude, this hurts! I told you and it’s killing me! You know what? Actually, I have one last thing to say to you dude, Pete.”

“What Sam? What is it?”

“Forget I ever liked you. See ya.”

Tears began to roll rapidly down Sam’s cheek as he turned and ran away from Pete. He can hear Pete calling his name but he can’t turn back to face him, it’s too damn painful.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's kinda short but i have about twenty one chapters. I'll update if anyone actually reads and wants me to update!

LubbYou! <3
