Sequel: Switchblade Hate

Switchblade Love

Chapter Ten. The Introductions.

Pete was almost literally dragging Sam towards the park.

“Sam sweetie, c’mon! Trust me when I say that everything will be fine.”

“But Pete! What if they don’t like me dude? What if they think I’m ugly?”

“Now stop. Why the heck would they think your ugly man? Your friggin’ gorgeous and anyone who says your not is an idiot and you should ignore them sweetie.”

“Yeah, you’re right baby. I trust you.”

“Good. Now let’s go!”

Sam took Pete’s outstretched hand into his and squeezed it trustingly.

“I love you.”

Sam whispered to Pete as they got nearer to the park. Pete whispered back.

“I love you to. So, so much.”

Sam squeezed his hand again. With his hand, Pete opened the gate to the park and led Sam in and towards the climbing frame where a group of girls and boys were all hanging out and chatting casually.

“Hey! Everybody look! It’s Pete! Wahey”

There were a couple of loud whoops and cheers among the laughing as the boy sitting on the swing said this.

“Frank! It’s been a while man.”

“It sure has mate.”

Pete let go of Sam’s hand and hugged the boy briefly.

“So who’s you little friend here Petey boy?”

“Oh, this is Sam. Don’t you remember him?”

“Sam? Oh yeah! Sam, how ya doin’ mate? How’s life been treating ya buddy?”

“Frank righ’? Yeah I’ve been alright thanks dude, a lot better since I got back to Hayes actually.”

“Ahh, you found Pete her eh? You’re little lover boy. Haha.”

Sam blushed at this remark and Pete grabbed his hand to comfort him.

“Aww, leave him alone would ya Frank? Can’t you see he’s embarrassed enough already?”

“Whatever Eve. I’m just messing.”

Eve walked over to Sam and he quickly let go of Pet’s hand to extend it to her.

“Ahh, forget handshakes dahlin’, I do hugs!”

Eve embraced Sam into a big bear hug and giggled like a little girl.

“I think someone’s getting a bit excited over here Pete. I think he want’s you!”

Sam blushed and looked towards Pete, Pete just shook his head and laughed at him.

“Come here Sam!”

He said extending his hand for Sam to take hold of. Sam took it and Pete pulled him in and gave him a long kiss on the mouth, in front of everyone!

“Aw! That’s soooo sweet!”

Sam heard Eve say this and put his arms around Pete’s waist. Pete’s hand moved around Sam’s neck and they carried on kissing for what seemed like an eternity to them. Eventually they pulled away from each other and they both smiled.

"Well that was highly disturbing to watch."

"Don't watch then next time, it's just because you miss it dude."

"Haha Sam. Your right. I do miss it! I miss you Sammy-kins! I always want to feel your embrace baby."

"Back off Frank, I got Sam now."

"Whatever Pete, he still loves me and little Sam here knows it."

"No, not really Frankie. I think he's over you. Looking at him and Pete right now."

"No-one asked you Eve! Stay out of this."

Frank pushed Eve to the ground and spat in her face. Sam raced over to her and began comforting her.

"Eve! Eve, are you alright? Oh my god! What happened? I just saw you on the floor and Sam racing over to you! Wait... Sam! Oh my god! SAM! You're here. You're here. Oh my god!"

"Hey Jess. We'll catch up later okay? Eve is kind of, you know, on the floor and covered in Frank's spit..."

"What a dick. he doesn't deserve you Eve. And he never did deserve you Sam."

"Thanks Jess."

"Hey guys, anyone got a tissue or something? Frank's spit is still occupying my face right now!"

Sam digged unto his jeans pocket and pulled out a tissue.

"Yeah, here you go Eve. I feel so bad, this is all my fault. I am honestly, truly, so sorry Eve!"

"Woah! This is not your fault! He's just a dirty creep. I don’t blame you Sam. Thanks for helping me though. I really appreciate it."

"Oh, that's alright, really. Keep the tissue."

This made Eve and Jess giggle, Sam smirked and he helped Eve up off the floor. She gave him a hug and so did Jess, they left shortly after Frank and then Pete came up behind Sam and put his arms around his waist. He rested his head lazily on Sam’s shoulder.

"See, I told you they would love you sweetie."

Sam gave a small laugh and playfully messed up Pete's hair.

"I'm gonna make you pay for that Sam! No-one messes up my hair and gets away with it! Grrr."

Pete shouted silly comments at Sam as he chased him playfully around the park. They were happy all over again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again. Not One Of My Best.. Hope You Like It Though!
