Sequel: Switchblade Hate

Switchblade Love

Chapter Thirteen. The Explanations.

Sam and Pete were still asleep in their bed while Eve and Jess were awake in theirs.

"Eve, you know what happened last night?"

"Uhh, yeah. You do mean when we walked in on um... them two?"

"Yeah, do you reckon they're remember what happened?"

"What, when we walked in on them or what they were doing when we walked in on them?"

"Well, more the first one really, Eve. You said this room empty, and, well, it wasn't."

"I'm sorry Jess dahlin'.I forgot that I let these two have this room for the night, Don't be mad at me please."

"I'm not mad at you Eve, I'm just worried."

"Worried about what Jess?"

"Well, what if they do remember and they go around and tell everyone?"

"Well if they do remember, I trust these guys, if they do remember then they would talk to us about it first. Don't worry about it, cheer up!"

"I do feel a bit better now yeah. Thanks babes."

"My pleasure dahlin'."

Jess and Eve hugged just as Sam let out a very loud story. This got them laughing so much that it woke up Pete and Sam.

"Dude, what's going on?"

Jess and Eve were to busy laughing at Sam to actually answer his question. At this Pete turned over and draped his arm around Sam’s waist.

“Hey sweetie, what’s going on here?”

Pete gave Sam a quick peck on the cheek and rested his head on Sam’s shoulder.

“Oh hey huni, the girls are having a fit over something and I’m trying to find out what.”

“Hehe, maybe it was because of your snoring. It was quite funny you know sweets.”

This set Jess and Eve of laughing even more. Sam just gave them a look as if to say, ‘Geez. Girls!’.

“Oh lighten up Sam. Everyone would’ve thought you’d be happy after what you did last night!”

“Oh shut it Eve. You two weren’t much better either. It was like you thought the world was ending!”

Pete gave a small giggle at this comment.

“Oh yeah Pete, you giggle but we know how much fun you and Sam had last night.”

“So what? What’s so wrong about it? We had a little fun and we love each other, so what?”

“Nothing. I was just saying…”

Sam gave Pete a hug and a long kiss on the mouth.

“Woah sweetie. What was that for?”

“Well why not huni? I love you!”

“Aww. I love you to sweetie!”

Jess and Eve watched them as they kissed.

“Aw Jess. It’s so cute!”

“I know, they make the cutest couple!”

Sam looked up and grinned at them.

“Yeah we do don’t we?”

Pete smirked sexily at Sam and fell onto him, he pressed up against Sam making him moan so he kissed him softly on the mouth.

“Pete don’t tease!”

“Sorry. Your just irresistible Sam!”

Pete smirked at Sam again and Jess and Eve stared at them which made Pete and Sam laugh.

“So are you two a couple now or what now, Jess?”

“Well Sam, um, yeah we are I suppose… But you and Pete can’t say anything to anyone! Promise me you won’t. Please?”

“We won’t, pinky promise on it!”

All four of them held out their little and pinky promised that not a single word about Jess and Eve’s relationship would leave the room, ever.

“Well I’m still tired, I’m going back to sleep. Night Sam! Night Jess! Night Eve!”

And with that Pete laid back down on the bed and fell straight to sleep. Everyone was happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm Not Sure I Really Like This Chapter Alot :/ Sorry If It's A Bad As I Think It Is!
