Sequel: Switchblade Hate

Switchblade Love

Chapter Seventeen. The Waiting Game.

Sam was getting restless waiting for Ben and Pete to get ready to go out. It was Friday 31 October, Halloween or Sam’s birthday. They were taking so long, Sam wondered whether he should go and see what was taking them so long or not. After contemplating his ideas, he decided to go and check on Pete then they would go and see what Ben was getting up to. He bounded up the stairs, missing out every other step. He reached out and pushed open Pete’s bedroom door.

“Dude what’s taking you so long to get ready?”

“I don’t know what to wear! I wanted to look extra sexy for you today Sam.”

“You always look super sexy baby, don’t worry. Um, wear your really tight black skinnies and tons of your belts. But you’ve got to wear the black leather one with the huge silver bat buckle! That’s super, super sexy huni!”

“Okay, but what tee?”

“No tee, wear your black shirt, hot pink tie and hot pink converses. Even sexier!”

“Hehe. Okay, for you sweetie. What’s Ben up to?”

“I don’t know yet, me and you are gonna go check when you’re ready and fit to go!”

“Okay then sweetie, I’m dressed but I need eyeliner!”

“Hurry up handsome! I wanna go out!”

Sam put on a fake pout and Pete laughed at him, making him smile widely.

“I love your laugh Pete! It’s so amazing!”

“Why thank you sweetie, you made me smudge my eyeliner though!”

“Sorry huni, let me help you with that.”

Sam took the black eyeliner out of Pete’s hand and began outlining Pete’s greenish coloured eyes with it. When they were done they ran along the hall to Ben’s room and burst through the door.

“Woah! Geez guys, ever heard of knocking first?”

“Sorry Ben but why aren’t you ready?”

“Oh shite! I totally forgot Sam! I am sooo sorry! I’ll get ready now!”

“Argh! Okay, make it quick please dude. Time is flying by!”

Sam and Pete sat on Ben’s bed as he got ready in the bathroom. Five minutes later he walked out of the bathroom and Sam and Pete looked at him in awe.

“Ben. Oh my god, you look so, so…”

“Spit it out Pete.”

“You look so HOT!”

“Thanks! So do you, and so do you Sam! Hehe.”

“Come on already guys! Lets go! And thanks for the compliment Ben, you sexy little monster!”

“No problemo Sam. It’s true!”

Ben grinned cheesily, yet sexily, at Sam and waited for him and Pete to leave his room first.
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Hmm... I'm thinking that I'm losing readers D;
& I still have NO COMMENTS! Gahh.
I won't update now unless i get atleast one comment! Come on lovies, comment!
