Sequel: Switchblade Hate

Switchblade Love

Chapter Eighteen. The Concert.

“Ben, Pete, where are we going? That was our stop wasn’t it? … Guys talk to me, what’s going on dudes?”

“Sam, just shut up and listen to your I-Spazz!”

Sam threw Ben a playful dirty look, shrugged and turned on his I-pod. As soon as Ben and Pete heard the music blasting from Sam’s earphones they began to talk quietly.

“So Ben, how much further have we got to go?”

“Not far, roughly four or five stops and then I’ve got transport sorted from there.”

“Ben, you’re amazing!”

Pete leaned over and gave Ben a long kiss. Ben blushed and avoided looked into Pete’s eyes afterwards.

“Err, thanks Pete. You’re quite amazing yourself.”

All of a sudden Pete jumped out of his seat and Sam smirked as he nodded and tapped his foot along to the beat of his music. Pete looked around to check there was no-one else in the carriage. Then, seeing that they were the only three in the carriage, quickly jumped onto Sam’s lap, putting his legs either side of his waist. He pulled out Sam’s earphones and whispered into his ear.

“You know it’s not nice to pinch people’s bottoms.”

Sam just smirked and turned of his I-pod. Then he replied a whisper into Pete’s ear.

“You know it’s a tease to sit on people’s laps like you are and whisper into their ears.”

Pete simply smirked sexily at him and leaned into a long kiss with Sam. They eventually broke apart when Ben coughed.

“Err, guys. This is our stop…”

“Oh right, yeah. Sorry about that Ben. He started it!”

Ben laughed and got off the train. Sam walked off next to Pete and whispered sharply into his ear.

“Why’d you blame it on me dude? You jumped on my lap and you kissed me!”

“Well I find it hard to stay, with the word you say Sam. You’re to sexy and I’d fight everyone off just to hold you close and tight.”

“Aww. I’m sorry for being mad at you. Sometimes I think I’ll die alone, the I remember running away and hiding with you and the thought slips away. I love you.”

Pete gently slipped his arm around Sam’s waist as they walked after Ben.

“I love you to.”

Sam held Pete close as they walked through the crowds at the train station. It didn’t matter where they were, he loved him and he loved him back, Sam was happy. Ben suddenly broke the silence.

“Well, here’s our ride guys!”

Sam and Pete stood and stared in amazement as Ben smiled and pointed to a black limo that was parked in front of them.

“Well stop staring and get in! We have places to go, people to see and more importantly, people to meet! Come on!”

The three of them seated themselves in the limo and it drove off almost immediately. Ben began to talk.

“So Sam, are you wondering where we’re whisking you off to?”

“Yeah! Pleaseee tell me guys!” Sam pouted.

“You’ll find out soon sweetie!”

Pete pushed the hairs out of Sam’s face and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Ben pouted.

“I want one to!”

Sam and Pete laughed and both leaned in to give Ben a kiss at the same time.

“Oh even better! THREESOME, YAY!”

“Oh yeah. Excellent dude!”

All three of them laughed and Sam and Pete kissed Ben.

“Anyway! Enough of that, for now. This is our stop! Out you get guys!”

They climbed out of the limo and Sam’s face lit up. He screamed and ran in circles giving random hugs and kisses to Ben and Pete at the same time.

“Oh. My. GOD! I lub you guys SO much!”


“Oh yeah, when Sam gets excited he tends to say weird stuff. Weirder than usual that is.”

“Ahh, I see. So basically, he’s a nutcase who love anyway?”

“Yeah, pretty much!”

Sam was still running around in circles out of sheer excitement.

“You know Sam sweetie, if you stop running in circles, we could actually go inside.”
“Eeekkk! Lets go then pete baby! And you Ben huni! I LUB YOU TO!”

Ben laughed and led the way into the 02 arena where they were going to see My Chemical Romance, and Mindless Self Indulgence, in concert. Sam was really excited and couldn’t stand still as they waited in the queue to get inside. Pete was trying his best to calm him down but not doing very well, he sighed. There was no calming down Sam when he’s this excited. Sam eventually calmed down a little bit until he found out that Ben had managed to get floor tickets.


“Thanks… ? Just hurry up and get there! The concert is gonna start soon!”

They rushed behind Sam as he excitedly bounded towards the floor in front of the stage. By the time Ben and Pete caught up with Sam they were panting but Sam was still bursting with energy.

“Look how near to the stage we are guys! This is so amazing!”

“Hey Sam! How abouts we got right to the front?”

“Pete! You’re amazing! Lets go! Come on Ben!”

They made their way through the huge crowd and made it right to the front just as the concert was about to properly begin.

“You guys rock. This is the best birthday ever!”

With that the concert began and the three of them had the most fun they’ve ever had in their lives.
♠ ♠ ♠
I felt like updating today as I did actually get a comment & I had a half day at school! YAY!
I did kind of put some lyrics in there somewhere near the middle or end or something. If you can work out what they are then comment! (;
Comment anyway!
Comments=<3=UPDATES! (:
Btw.... The lyrics are like... really easy :/ But the way I put them in sucks so don't leave hate comments. They make me cry D;