Sequel: Switchblade Hate

Switchblade Love

Chapter Twenty-Two. The New Guys

Petes POV
I saw Frank and Gerard leave the room and as usual, my mind straight away thought of Frerard. I can tell Sam was thinking the same sort as thing as me by the way he had sort of gone itno a daydream with a small, sexy smirk on his face. He is so adorable, it's almost unreal. My thoughts get suddenlt interupted as a really pretty girl with black hair, with pink streaks, covering her left eye, blue yes and on of the skinniest, yet sexy, bodies I have ever seem, bounded through the door clumsily.

"Hey guys! And two new people whom I don't know! Where have Frankie and Gee gone?"

"Oh hey Emma! Where's Pip? Oh, they walked out of here about five or ten minutes ago. Why? Have they done something wrong?"

"Hey, hey Mikes! Oh, Pip's in the other lounge with MSI At the moment. Oh, okay then. Does anyone know where they went? And no, they're not in trouble, they just need to come out to the front stage quickly. Someone there wants to meet them or something, that's all. Nothing serious, I hope. Hehehe,"

"Haha. Well alrighty then! If I see them I'll tell them to go there for you, yeah?"

"Yeah, that would be great! Thanks Mikes! And if I see Pip, I'll tell her to come her for you!"

"Uh, yeah, that'd be cool, thanks Em,"

"It's all good Mikes! But aren't any of you going to introduce me to the new guys?"

"Oh yeah! Sorry guys, almost forgot about you! Sam and Pete this is Emma, Emma this is Sam and Pete,"

"Trust you Mikes! Hey Sam and hey Pete! How are you guys?"

"Hey Emma, I'm great yourself? I'm Sam by the way! Hehe,"

"Heya Sam! I love your hair! Can I steal it? Pleaseeee!"

"Hehehe. Sorry Emma... But my hair is already getting stolen by Pete!"

"Aww, no fair! Hehe. Oh well. Pete! You haven't said anything yet, so how are you?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. I'm fine thanks..."

"Gald to hear it!. So how comes you guys are here anyways?"

"Me and Sam got given backstage passes by our mate Ben, he's not here but it would have been wicked of he was. He gave them to us because it's Sam's birthday,"

"Wow! Happy birthday Sam! Hope you're having fun, hon!" At that point, Emma skipped over to Sam and hugged him.

They've been hugging for ages and I'm almost jealous! I know it sounds stupid but two of the most drop-dead gorgeous people I have ever seen are hugging and they look so amazing together that it looks almost like they should be the couple, instead of me and Sam. Eventually they pulled away from the hug and Sam put his arm back around my waist. Delight shot rapidly through my viens and I smiled extra wide. Sam looked up at me and giggles slightly.

"What are you giggling at Sam sweetie?"

"Hehe. The way you smiled when I put my arm around your waist! Huni, you're obsessed with me!! Hehe,"

"Am not! Maybe I just love you alot!"

"I love you to,"

"Aww! You guys are just too cute together, it's adorable!"

"Thanks! Me and pete stick together quite alot nowadays,2

"Ah, young love!"

Sam stuck his tongue out playfully at Emma and I pulled it s that Sam pretended to sulk, which made Emma laugh.

"Are you two always like this?"

"Yeah, pretty much!"

"Amazing! Oh yay! Here's Pip! You guys are going to love Pip!"

Emma ran over to a girl who was quite pale but had the most amazing green eyes that stood out from her place face. They stood talking and laughing together for a cuple of minutes and then I saw Emma leading her friend over to me, Sam, Mikey, Bob and Ray. Bob was the first to say anything.

"Hey Pip! How are you? You look great today,"

"Heya Bob! I'm great, you? Thanks, you looks pretty amazing yourself!"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bob blush slightly, apparently Sam saw it aswell, as he nudged my arm and whispered in my ear for me to look over at Bob.

"Aww, thanks! Yeah, I'm good thanks Pip. Oh, me ans the guys, and Emma, want you to meet these two new guys. Pip meet Sam, Sam meet Pip. Pip meet Pete, Pete meet Pip,"

"Hey Sam! Hey Pete! Wait... Who's who here?"

Pip has a confused look on her face which made Bob giggle, which makes Mikey giggle, which makes Ray giggle, which makes Sam giggle, which makes me giggle, which makes Emma giggle, and Pip is still standing there confused so I decide that I should introduce myself properly to her.

"Hey, I'm Pete! I hope this makes it a bit less confusing for you,"

"Heya! Thanks, yeah, it makes it a whole lot easier for me. By the way, I've just got to ask, sorry, but are you and Sam going out? Because if you are, then you make the cutest guy couple ever!"

"Aww thanks, and yeah we are!"

Suddenly everyone turned to look at the door as it opened in a hurry. I gasp and Sam hugs my waist tightly, it's the Police.
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Only three chapters left! Comments? Y/y? Comments = CYBER SKITTLES! (:

Kimmi The Hobo Loverr <3