Sequel: Switchblade Hate

Switchblade Love

Chapter Twenty-Five. The Flashback

Bens POV

I remember now. I remember everything...


"That was the best concert ever! You guys are the best. I can't believe you brought tickets for my birthday. This has been the best birthday ever. I can't belive it's ending already. I don't want it to!" Sam said to Pete and I, giving us both a grateful look.

"It's not over just yet Sam, I've got a special suprise for you!" I replied to Sam directly.

"Oh my god! What is it Ben? You're amazing!" Sam squeaked at me.

"I got you two some special passes...," I said to both of them with a cheesy smile.

"But what about you? Aren't you coming with us? How comes you only got two? It isn't fair on you Ben," Pete said to me, with obvious sadness in his eyes.

"Hey, it's fine! Honestly guys, I got 'em for you, so use 'em!" I replied with a smile.

"Aww Ben, dude! You're awesome!" Sam screeched, grinning adorably from ear to ear at me. I replied almost straight away,

"Look, this is kinda my way of saying thank you for helping me and all that. I just wanted to give you both something special, you know?"

"Thanks man. But in future, just having you around id a thank you enough, yeah? I really appreciate this and all, but I hate to think how much it costs! Haha, thanks Ben, man. Sam's right, you're awesome! And amazing," Pete said all in one breath.

"Aww! Thanks guys! Now get your sexy little butts backstage! Geex. Hehe, I'll see you at home guys. See ya!" I grinned at them.

"See ya later Ben! Me and Pete are gonna miss you!" Sam exclaimed sadly.

With that, we said our final goodbyesm hugged, and I left to go home as Sam and Pete walked off towards the backstage door. I turn around to wave goodbye but they are already going through the door. I smile to myself and cary on walking, until I eventually reach the train station. I but my ticket and check the time. 10.32pm. The rtrain doesn't get here until 11.55pm, I still have loads of time to kill! I decide on checking out the local park, then maybe going to the pub nearest the train station for a while. I begin to make my towards the park, following the street signs. I feel wary as I walk past a drak alleyway, and with good reason to.

"Stop or I'll shoot, you emo fag!" A voice somewhere down the dark alley threans. So what do I do? Run.

♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhh! The LAST chapterrrrr. I'm so mean with my cliffhangers! Tehehe. Ideas for sequel names?? Pleaseeee!

Thanks to everyone who has read the whole way throught this story, you guys are AMAZE! -throws cyber skittles- ENJOY! Because I love you! Tehe (:

Kimmi The Hobo Loverrr <3