Sequel: Switchblade Hate

Switchblade Love

Chapter Four. The Suprise.

“Well this is our stop dude. Grab your things and let’s go!”

“Sure thing. I’m coming now.”

Sam led Jordan off the train and out if the station into the cold night air.

“So. You ever been to Hayes before dude?”

“Once. Ages ago. To visit a friend. You?”

“Oh, I used to live here, about a year and a half ago.”

“Cool. Where’d you move to?”

“Up north. In Scotland, just in case you were wondering.”

“Ah. Scotland, cool cool. Why’d you move though?”

“Oh, I more ran away than moved really. I was having some relationship problems down here in Hayes.”

“I see. So how comes you’ve come back then?”

“Missed the voice of an old pal. Thought I’d pay them a suprise visit to, you know, catch up on things. I need to get out a more. Haha.”

“Ha. Yeah me to. Gets boring on your own sometimes doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, i suppose it does. Well anyway, my bus is here. Keep in touch dude. See ya.”

Sam handed Jordan his mobile number and gets on the bus.

“Yeah. See ya Sam!”

Sam sat at the back of the bus and turned on his i-pod. How suprised would Pete be when he showed up on his doorstep? Pretty damn suprised.

* * *
Half an hour later the bus stopped and Sam got off. He walked towards Pete’s house just as he had done all them months ago. Although this time, he was more scared about seeing Pete than he had ever been before. Sam stopped. There was Pete’s house. Right in front of him. He walked cautiously up the path and knocked on the front door.

“Two seconds! I’ll be right there!”

Sam smiled. He’d missed Pete’s voice more than he’d even realised. The door opened and there stood Pete. His mouth practically dropped to the floor at the sight of Sam standing there.

“A ‘Hi’ is usually nice. Or a ‘Hey, how’ve you been?’ is always good, dude.”

“Oh my god. Sam. What...? Where...? How...?”

“Once again, the ‘Hi’ option is always good.”

“Um. Hi Sam!”

“Hey Pete. How’ve you been?”
♠ ♠ ♠
A Slightly Longer Chapter Here For You Loves! Enjoy :D


Oh And I Might Add A Few More Chapters Today As I'm In The Mood For Updating.