Sequel: Switchblade Hate

Switchblade Love

Chapter Seven. The Private Viewing.

Sam and Pete walked confidently down the street hand in hand without a care in the world, they were in love and that was all that mattered.

“So dude. Where are we actually going?”

“Well that’s for me to know and for you to find out Sam.”

Pete smirked at Sam.

“Don’t do that!”

Pete grinned.

“Do what?”

“You know exactly what i mean!”

“What?... This?”

Pete smirked seductively at Sam and he knew that this would really get Sam.

“Pete no! Stop it!”

“Oh you know you love it Sam.”

Pete roughly shoved Sam into the doors of and apartment block and told him to go to Room 5 on Floor 8.

“Why Pete? What are you doing?”

“I’m not doing anything Sam. I got a message saying to take you there. So here you are!”

“Oh, um, okay then. Bye Pete! I love you.”

“I love you to sweetie. If you need me just text me. See ya later Sam!”

With this Pete gave Sam a lingering goodbye kiss and headed for home.

* * *
Sam reached out to knock the door when it suddenly opened.

“Sam. You made it!”

“Who are you? Wait... Jordan?”

“Yeah! You got it. Come on in, make yourself at home darlin’”

“Don’t call me ‘darlin’’. I hardly even know you.”

“Okay, I won’t call you it but please, sit down over there.”

Jordan pointed to a black leather couch in front of a very large widescreen TV.

“Umm. Thanks?”

“Oh, there’s no need to thank me dar... Sam. But you’re probably wondering why you’re here right now. Am I right?”

“Yeah. You are actually. Why am I here?”

“I’m going to show you a film.”

“Okay, what film is it?”

“Oh, a project I’ve been working on for about a week now.”

“Well, show it to me then! What’s it about?”

“Oh you know all about this story Sam. I don’t need to tell you anything.”

“Err... okay then. Let’s watch this movie then!”

“Yeah, let’s watch it!”

Sam noticed the hint of sarcasm in his voice but didn’t ask any questions. Jordan walked over to the video player and put in a video. It began to play and immediately he knew what it was and what was going on. His relationship with Pete was about to get blackmailed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay. I Made A Slightly Longer One! Hope You Like It.
