Sequel: Switchblade Hate

Switchblade Love

Chapter Nine. The Blackout.

“Pete! Pete open the door! It’s freezing out here.”

The door opened and Pete stood there with a tear-stained face dressed in baggy old pj’s.

“Oh my god. Pete, what’s up baby? What happened?”

Pete just sniffed and Sam jumped inside the door, closed it and pulled Pete into a tight hug. He gently whispered into his ear and comfortingly rubbed his hand along his back.

“They * sniff * they... they told me you were.. * sniff * were dead! I thought... * sob * I thought I’d really lost you Sam!”

“Oh Pete! Pete huni! It’s okay, I’m fine.”

Pete continued to sob endlessly into Sam’s shoulder and he hugged him close.

“I never want to lose you Sam. Not again. Never again Sam.”

“Shh. It’s okay Pete. I’m never gonna leave you. Not now, not ever. Shh it’s okay baby.”

Pete began to choke back his tears and loosened his grip on Sam.

“But Pete, I have one question for you.”

“What is it Sam?”

“Who told you I was dead?”

“I don’t know who it was. They just said that you and some guy called Jordan had been in some accident and you hadn’t made it. Oh Sam. Oh Sam! I’m so glad it’s not true! Oh sweetie! I really love you so much!”

“Calm down Pete huni. It’s al okay. Nothing is ever going to happen to us. That creep Jordan is never going to bother either of us again. I made sure of that baby. I love you so much to Pete. If anything ever happened to you or us I would die. You’re the best thing that happened to me.”

All of a sudden everything went dark and they both laughed.

“Okay I take it back! This is the best that’s ever happened to me! Haha.”

“What, your all alone with me in the dark?”

Pete said sexily to Sam, as he rubbed close against his chest. Sam pulled Pete’s hips closer towards his.

“Yeah, it sure is baby.”

Pete leaned in extra close to Sam’s body and whispered into his ear.

“Come on sweetie. It’s all dark outside, no-one would be able to see us.”

Pete pressed himself even more against Sam causing him to moan quietly.

“Pete. Oh Pete stop it.”

“You like it don’t you Sam. You like it when I tease you like this.”

Pete sexily pressed his lips against Sam’s and held him so close that they could feel each others heart beats.

“Come on Sam. You know you really want this.”

“Oh I do, I do baby. Take me there Pete. I want to go there with you!”

Pete pulled on Sam’s shirt then pushed him away playfully.

“You’ll have to fins me first Sam! If you want it then come find it sweetie.”

“Oh Pete, you tease.”

Suddenly Sam felt something brush close to his thigh. It was a hand. It was slowly moving up and towards his inner thigh.

“I know it’s you Pete.”

“Come on down here Sam. You know you want to sweetie.”

“I’m coming baby.”

Sam dropped to his knees and was tackled almost instantly to the ground by a growling Pete.

“Pete! Urgh dude, your shirt is all wet. That’ll have to go.”

“I like how you think sweetie, but I can’t see what I’m doing to well, will you help me Sam?”

“My pleasure baby.”

Sam began lifting off Pete’s shirt as he lay on top of him.

“Come on Sam. I know you on the bottom but hurry it up a bit sweetie. I want my turn!”

“Hehe. You’ll get your turn Pete huni.”

Sam tugged the shirt off of Pete and Pete immediately began pulling Sam’s off.

“You don’t waste any time do you baby?”

“Why would I? You’re to gorgeous to resist sweetie!”

As soon as Sam’s shirt was off he felt hot kisses over his upper body. He moaned slightly as Pete found his zipper and undone it along with his button.

“You like this Sam?” I know you do.”

All Sam could do was moan as Pete started kissing his thighs.

“Say something to me Sam. C’mon, I know you can sweetie.”

“Pete, Don’t stop!”

“You got it handsome.”

Pete continued to kiss all over Sam’s body.

“Oh but one question Sam... on or off sweetie?”

“Off. Take them off baby.”

“Aye aye Cap’in! Off they come!”

Sam moaned Pete’s name as he lay on the floor with Pete on top of him, undressing him in-between kisses. The out of the black, on came the lights.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hehe. I Had Some Fun Writing This One :D Hope You Readers Like It!
Comments Please Loves!
