Status: Complete.

Coffee Break


One of the first nights I slept over Martin’s apartment in December, I was woken up by him jumping on the bed, with him yelling my name over and over again. Too. Early.

“What?” I grumbled, barely opening my eyes.

“It’s snowing! Get up!” Martin said excitedly, getting off the bed to kneel down next to me.

“You want me to get up because it’s snowing?” I asked incredulously.

“No, I want you to get up and come outside and play with me in the snow,” Martin replied, as if it was obvious.

“Are you 12 or something?” I scowled.

Martin’s smile immediately pressed into a thin line and his eyes went wide in shock and/or hurt. I immediately groaned. I didn’t mean it like that.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean that. I’m just tired,” I sighed, reaching my hand out to cup his face.

Martin’s smile returned and he nuzzled into my hand, pressing feather-light kisses into my palm. For how early it is, my dick is way too interested for such innocent actions.

So I groaned again.

Martin grinned when he realised that difference.

“How about…you come outside and play in the snow with me after I blow you?”

“You don’t have to blow me,” I replied, shaking my head.

Martin laughed as I pushed myself to sit upright, starting to get out of bed. But his hands shot to my hips and held me down.

“I know I don’t, but now I have the idea in my head and I want to do that too,” Martin smirked, reached for the elastic edge of my boxers.

“Mm, someone’s demanding today,” I murmured, lifting my hips so he could pull my boxers down.

What? Did you really think I’d turn down a blow job? Especially from Martin?

Martin just winked at me, before swallowing me down.


“I can’t believe it only took a blowjob to get you out here,” Rian snickered, brushing the snow that Alex had just thrown at him from his coat.

“I know. I should’ve driven a harder bargain,” I grumbled, shivering slightly.

Why am I shivering? Because despite two sweaters, a thick coat, a hat, scarf and gloves keeping me warm, Martin shoved a handful of snow in my face before running off cackling to rejoin Alex. Those two are far too sneaky. Somehow Rian, Alex, Martin and I all have the day off work, so while both Rian and I stayed over last night (yeah, I didn’t realise that Alex had Rian round until the awkward kitchen-in-boxers moment happened), we both got to stay the day too. Resulting in an all-out-snow-war.

“I got breakfast in bed as well a handjob,” Rian said smugly.

“That’s also because Alex still thinks he has to bribe you to get access to your body,” I smirked.

“I should really wean him off that,” Rian grumbled.

I just snickered.


“YEAH, TAKE THE SNOW LIKE MEN!” Alex taunted, high-fiving Martin.

“Right, I’m fucking cold now, so I say we end this,” I growled.

“Martin can’t do anything when he has a hand to his crotch – he gets completely immobilised,” Rian told me.

“Alex once let slip when he was drunk that the juncture of his neck and shoulder is his weak spot – you should try biting him there,” I replied.

“Tackle them and exploit their weak points?” Rian suggested.

“Fuck yeah,” I smirked.

Rian and I grinned at each other, before running full pelt at our boyfriends. Martin and Alex barely had time to turn around and run before we reached them, me tackling Martin to the ground just before Rian tackled Alex. Before Martin could wriggle away, I flipped him over and cupped my hand to his crotch, squeezing firmly. Martin moaned softly, freezing all movement. Perfect. In the background I heard Alex yelp before stopping his protests, knowing that Rian’s plan had worked too. I held onto Martin’s crotch for a few more seconds, enjoying the lustful look on his face, before pressing my lips to his and letting go. He was only fooled into kissing me for a few moments before he pushed my head away.

“No fair! That’s totally cheating!” he whined, although he made no move to get me off of him.

“All fair’s in love and war,” I said triumphantly.

Martin mock-growled and pulled my head back down to meet his, kissing me hungrily. I groaned, not wasting any time in kissing him back, rolling our hips together as we embraced. I hope that there aren’t any kids about right now, because this is not publicly decent. Oh well. Martin’s hard from it and I’m getting there, so it’s their own fault if they see anything.

“Want you,” Martin said breathlessly, breaking the kiss.

I bit my bottom lip and shook my head. I’m not ready for that yet. Martin nodded and forced a smile, but I could see the rejection in his eyes. Think, Zack. Think!

“69ing sounds pretty good right now though,” I offered.

Martin’s eyes immediately lit up and he pushed me off him, scrambling to his feet. I barely had time to get to my feet too before he was dragging me inside. Well if that’s what it took to get out of the snow, I would’ve done it hours ago…
♠ ♠ ♠
Just another cute one!
The next one is raunchy…
And there are only 6 chapters left overall…

Thank you so much to everyone who commented on the last chapter! Please keep the feedback coming!

Unexpected. (x2)
KshoOwh (oh how I wish they could be together in real life too!)
Forever Young.
