Chasing Love


I woke up feeling different. I woke up happy with myself. I woke up with a smile. Im thinking because of the event that occured the night before. I couldn't stop playing it in my head. I'm just hoping that it wasn't a dream.
My mum and sister didn't say anything when I walked through the door. But I had a feeling mum knew something about what happened because she kept smiling at me all through dinner and watching TV. It creeped me out, so I headed to my room to read a bit before heading off to bed.

I walked out of my room with my school uniform and a towel and made my way for the shower. I knocked on the door to see if anyone was there, waited a bit and walked in. I showered quickly, got out and dried myself and put on my school uniform.
I headed back to my room to brush my hair and put on my makeup. I gathered my books and chucked them into my bag, grabbed my iPod, shoes and socks, and closed the door behind me.
I sat on the kitchen chair to put on my shoes and socks as Mum walked over placing my breakfast infront of me.
Vegemite and cheese toast. With Mango juice!
Wow, my favourite! I wasn't going to complain, so I just ate without saying anything.
"I'll drop you off to school this morning, hun. Im heading up to work early to start on a new project."
Mum works for a magazine called "Whats In!?". It's not really a big magazine like "Womans Day" or anything, but they do sell a whole heap. To be honest, it's not a bad magazine. I always find it interesting. It's a magazine for everyone, and I mean everyone! It's got all different age catergories and hobbies and stuff. I actually read it a fair bit, but that's just me.
"Oh, so whats the new project about?" I ask taking a mouthful of juice.
"Dunno' yet, haven't been told a thing, that's why im heading in early"
"Okay well i'll just go brush my teeth and we'll be on our way"
She nodded and took my dishes away as I got up.
I headed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. As I was walking out of the bathroom, I heard my phone beep, telling me that I have a message. So I pop it out of my pocket in my skirt and read it. It's from Ez.

When you get to school, meet me in the library, I have to show you something! I'll be waiting for you!

What is it that she could possibly show me? I couldn't think of anything and she would've told me if she was getting anything.

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I laughed at Amy when she opened her bedroom door and her hair was sticking up in all different places. She rolled her eyes at me as I shut the door behind her.

Mum was already in the car, waiting for me, so I jumped in and put on my seat-belt. She reversed out of the driveway and headed down the street. It was quiet at first.
"I saw you with that boy last night, looks like you were getting pretty comfy"
I turned a light shade of pink.
"Mum what were you doing spying on me!"
She laughed as she spoke, "I wasn't spying! I just didn't hear any noise coming from your side of the door! So I decided to check! A mother has her right, especially when it involves a boy!"
I crossed my arms and pretended to sulk.
"Awh, don't be like that Ab-Bear!" she says with a massive grin on her face. "I can tell that you like this boy, and it's clear that he likes you too"
Oh my, im getting this advice from my mother? Puh-lease!

Mum drops me off a few yards down from the school, because she knows how embarassing it is to be dropped off by your parents. My mums pretty cool. She knows what it's like to be a teenager, and knows what embarasses me. I grab my bag and say good-bye as I jump out of the car.
I walk up the front steps and inside building. As I make my way to the library, I'm looking out for Yane. I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder and someone call my name, but it wasn't Yane's voice.
I turn around and my stomach dropped. It was Tyler! His dark brown hair neatly brushed and out of his face, his lips were shaped into a smile. I couldn't believe it!
"H-hi, uhh.. Tyler" I stuttered out.
"Hey Abbey, I just wanted to say, uh... I like your hair today... it looks nice"
I look at him, not knowing what to say. He just wanted to say i have nice hair? Surely there's a catch to why he's talking to me.
"Uh.. um..thanks?" I say politely.
I look into his hazel eyes, something isn't right here, I can tell.
"Seriously, did you only just wanted to tell me that?" I asked.
"Um.. no not really" her put his hand to his chin. "I was actually wondering if, you er, would like to come sit with me for break? You know... to chat?"
"Well actually--"
"Actually.." comes another voice, it's Yane, "She has detention, with me" he says, putting his arm over my shoulder. He looked down at me.
"Hey you!" he said smiling.
"Hey!" I said happily, I totally forgot about Tyler for a minute.
"Well, uh.. maybe another time then?" he finally said. He turned around and left.
Yane waved him off in a smart allick way.
"How are you on this fine morning?" he asked me as he took his arm off me and we made our way down to the hall. He seem really happy this morning, well more happy than usual.