Immortal Hunters


*Bill’s P.O.V.*

The atmosphere in Manor Bizarre was tense. Everyone was sitting on the edge of their seats, listening for any sound that might indicate that another of our friends had escaped.
“Please let everyone else come back…” Raven muttered.
I pulled her closer, kissing her hair, “They’ll be allright.”
“I hope so.” She didn’t sound too reassured.
And I suppose that I wasn’t convinced by myself either. Gustav had been collecting explosive materials for a long while now, and his room was packed with them. I’m actually surprised that none of us had remembered that when we’d figured out that the hotel was burning. I’m also surprised that none of us had thought about the whole ‘use people with wings to get us out of the burning hotel’ thing either.
Man, we’re all dumb!
Then the door flew open, and we all jumped to our feet. Georg and Gustav stood there, panting like crazy.
“How’s everyone else?” I asked, rushing towards them.
“I-I don’t know.” Gustav panted.
“His room is close to going down in flames.” Georg added.
“Shit.” I muttered.
“Yu and Romeo are working as fast as possible, but you know that trying to get us to the ground without dropping us and all, it’s not an easy task.” Gustav continued.
“So, who’s left then?” I tried to figure it out.
“Tom and Shin, plus Yu and Romeo.” Georg replied.
“I hope they get back unharmed..” I watched out the open door, praying that my brother would return.
“Me-” Gustav began to agree, but his words were cut off as a massive explosion sounded in the distance, and a giant fireball could be seen circling about the treetops.
“There goes the hotel.” Georg stared straight ahead.
“Please let them be on their way back.” I couldn’t remove my eyes from the orange tinted sky.

*Kiro’s P.O.V.*

I tried to sleep off the poisoning again, but as I hadn’t thrown up any blood yet, the nausea kept me awake.
“So… Why can’t you drink blood?” my captor asked.
“Half angel, dimwit.” I coughed back, then I pressed a hand over my mouth.
I was lying with my back to him, eyes shut tightly, almost curled into the fetal position.
“So… How does that change the half-vampire side?” he continued.
That idiot had been asking me question after question since I’d laid down again, and if he didn’t shut up soon, I was gonna be sick.
I remained silent.
“Please tell me?”
My body shuddered.
“Are you allright?”
I held my breath, attempting to hold the need to vomit back.
But of course, being that I am half-angel, my body cannot physically contain blood that isn’t originally mine.
I convulsed, then rolled off the bed and onto the floor, landing on my hands and knees. Seconds later, my entire body shook as the nausea took complete hold, and all the blood from earlier came rushing back through my fangs.
“Holy…” my captor seemed speechless.
I shuddered and vomited more blood.
After a few minutes, I coughed, then rocked back into a sitting position.
“What the hell?”
I sighed, closing my eyes against the dizziness, then turned back to the guy, “Blood drinking is a vampiric trait, but it’s against all my angelic traits. When I drink blood, my vampiric side takes over, but my angelic side gets sick. I cannot physically hold down blood.”
“Well, what do I feed you then?”
“Normal food. Anything you’d eat.” I replied, like it was the obvious answer, then I got back up and onto the bed.
“Hang on… I’m going to have to clean that up now… Great.” My captor sighed, then disappeared.
I emptied my mind and finally drifted off to sleep.
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please enjoy <3