Immortal Hunters

Back To The Hotel

*Raven’s P.O.V.*

We walked in silence towards the remains of the hotel. The last set of explosions had gone off hours ago, so Bill and Strify had deemed it safe to enter. I gripped Bill’s hand tightly in mine, terrified of what I might see. Blood and charred bodies, the grim expressions of realization left on the faces of our friends? Or piles of ash, where they once stood? The depression mental images brought tears to my eyes, and I dipped my head to hide the fact that I was crying.
“Raven?” Bill squeezed my hand lightly.
“Yes…?” I raised my head quickly, not wanting to seem weak.
“You okay?” his expression was dark.
“Yeah, fine.” I replied, flashing him a quick smile, then turning my attention to a crack in my fingernail.
“He wants you to know that he loves you, and he’s here for you.” Gustav’s voice echoed in my mind.
I felt a tiny smile play on the edges of my lips, but it dissolved the second we entered the clearing where the hotel had once been.
Small fires were still burning here and there, and overall, the entire hotel was now a massive mess of charred bricks and beams. Any trees that had been near it were now charred, and leafless too.
“Oh my God…” I fell to my knees at the unsightly scene before me, just knowing that none of my friends would have made it through that.
Tiny gasps could be heard from the rest of the group, as their eyes drank in the destruction that now lay at their feet.
“Oh God… Tom!” Bill cried, his voice bouncing off the edges of the forest.
When all was silent, he broke into tears beside me, silently muttering, “Tom…”
Gustav and Georg were at either one of his sides, squeezing his shoulders and rubbing his back, comforting him as only they knew how.
Strify stood, cemented to the spot, tears silently running down his cheeks.
It was a hard thing for all of us to witness.
Then the werewolf sensitivity of my ears pricked, hearing something.
I didn’t know what it was, but something inside that mess had made a noise.
♠ ♠ ♠
<3 will update soon, i promise.
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