Slowly Go Insane


I'm not crazy, just honest. Humans are people of habit. It's a habit to answer no if someone asks if they look fat. It's a habit to eat the shit food that your friend's parents give you and say that it's good. Its a habit to lie. I don't do habits.

I think it started my freshman year of high school. Well, it didn't start, but it was when people started noticing it. It boggled my mind that people thought I was crazy when they went around spitting lies at people they were trying to impress. Sitting in a white room with white walls and wearing clothes so white it reminded you of A Clockwork Orange, you have a lot of time to think.

I thought about my mom a lot. She's the reason I'm in this hell hole. The funny part is that my mom and I never had any problems until one day she decided to have me tested. There wasn't even a specific thing that she had me tested for; she just wanted them to find a problem with me so she could have an excuse for why her daughter is the way she is. Now she just keeps me in this place hoping I won't escape and seek revenge by killing her. To her, this mental institution is an overpaid babysitter.

I'm not crazy, just honest.
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So, I kind of suck at first chapters.