Status: Active.

Someone Like You


I saw her standing there on the corner of the street. Her hood was pulled up due to the downpour of rain. Her long dark blond, wavy hair cascading out of the hood and down her chest. Her eyes were rimmed with black eyeliner, making her already bright blue irises even brighter.

Her name was Ember and she had my heart. We were the best of friends. When she got a boyfriend, that's when things went downhill. She stopped calling as often and eventually stopped completely. We didn't see each other as often, either. She spent all her time with Brian, her boyfriend. The last time I saw her was three months ago, when we discussed why she would pick him over me when she knew she loves me more. Her excuse was that she didn't want to hold me back.

Her head turned my direcrtion, our eyes locking. I was standing with the guys, not paying attention to anything they were discussing. Her expression was blank as we stared at each other. I waited until the guys weren't paying attention to me to slip away and make my way over to her. She smiled small.

"Lee." She stated simply, wrapping her arms around my torso. I returned the gesture, smiling to myself. I had missed this. I had missed her. And here she was, standing in my arms once again. It was like Heaven on Earth for me. No one knew the effect she had on me.

"How are yeh? It's been a long time." I said, pulling away from the hug. She shrugged her shoulders, not making eye contact now.

"I'm pretty good. Brian and I are, uh, engaged now." She laughed nervously, looking up at me, but not directly in my eyes. I forced a smile, nodding my head once. I was good as hiding what I was really feeling, but it was difficult this time, and I knew by her expression she knew I was hurt.I ignored it.

"That's great..." I trailed off, not really knowing what else to say. I looked down, studying my shoes.

"I'm sorreh, Lee." She sighed, looking down also. "He makes meh happy.. Not that yeh didn't. But he..... I'm not sure how teh explain it."

"He's better." I snapped, knowing what she was trying to say. She shook her head "no" quickly.

"No! That's not what I'm trying teh say! It's just....Yeh band is huge now, yeh know? And yeh know how I am about that stuff.... I'd miss yeh too much. I used teh cry when yeh left and I were never happy until yeh were back."

"That's a lie, Ember, and yeh know it. If yeh were mine, yeh wouldn't have teh stay home without meh when I left." I scoffed, rolling my eyes. I knew she would pull some bullshit like this. But It's not over, I'm not giving up. He isn't what she wants and I know it.

"I'm sorreh, Lee. Yeh not who I want. I'm settlin' down, I'm gettin' married. He gives meh things yeh can't. Yeh're always gone now." She sniffled, wiping under her eyes carefully.

"Fine. Have it yeh way. I hope he really is what yeh want. Because when yeh realize he's not, I might not be here. Yeh need teh fhink about this, Ember, seriously. Yeh know yeh love meh more and yeh want meh. Yeh just scared of havin' what yeh really want because yeh think it'll get takin' away from yeh. But it won't, Ember, because yeh know damn well I'm in love with yeh. I know it'll be hard, it were before, but yeh know I would never leave yeh. Yeh the one who left meh before because it were goin' so damn well So think about it, yeah? Make sure this is what yeh want. When I'm gone, I'm gone for good, love."

I took a deep breath as I turned away, catching up with the guys who had walked off toward a bar.

What I had told her was the truth. We both knew she loved me more. She even admitted it once, whether she knew she did or not, but she did. I knew her feelings for me haven't changed. I could see it in her eyes. She was scared of losing me, though. I was scared of never having her back.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this one is new, kind of short.
Short chapter, short story.
The next chapter might be long. Might be in her point of view also.
I don't have any major idea's for this story, which is why it's only two chapters.
I just wanted something on the side from my Matt Nicholls story.
I'll be writing more one/two shots soon, also.
Anyways, done with my rambling. Like it so far?