My Days Are Numbered

Letter number 1

Olivia sat in the townhouse that they used to share. It’s been exactly one week since she found out about Jordan cheating on her.

The slim brunette walked to the kitchen and poured herself a large mug of coffee, her lifeline for the past week. She then put on her slippers and headed out to her driveway to retrieve the morning paper. As she turned around, a small envelope perched on the door handle caught her attention. She picked it up and walked inside with her paper, her coffee, and the letter that seemed to weigh a million tons in her hand.

On the front, nothing was written on it except for the number one. She debated on whether or not she should open it, but of course curiosity got the best of her.

Letter number 1

Dear Olivia Marchalene Tanner,

This week has been hell for me…I can’t even imagine how it is for you. I can’t explain how much I hate myself right now for hurting you. Liv, this sounds so cliché, but I physically hurt without you here. I keep seeing your face in my mind when you found out. Your eyes were filled with betrayal and pain. I…I ache all over knowing I did that to you. I don’t know who I am, the person I am now would never have done that to you.

I realize you might not even read this through all the way but please just let me explain to you what happened that night. I won’t explain in this letter, but in the letters to come I will.
Olivia, I am going to write you a letter every day until you take me back. It might take forever, but if that’s when you’ll take me back then you’ll get a letter every single day. I love you so much Olivia, so much. Please don’t think I didn’t care. I did. I do. And I am physically sick that I fucked up so bad. I don’t expect a reply, but if you are really truly done with me please don’t tell me just yet. I just want to pretend for a little while longer that you might still love me…even after how bad I fucked this up.

Please just hear me out. Please don’t give up on me just yet.

-Jordan Lee Staal (your star)

Olivia was bawling by the end of the letter and apparently Jordan was too when he was writing it. There were tear stains on the paper where his rare tears fell. She could imagine him writing this out, getting angry at himself for even letting this happen. The end of the letter nearly killed her, “but if you are really truly done with me please don’t tell me just yet. I just want to pretend for a little while longer that you might still love me”. Of course she still loved him. As much as she wished she didn’t, it was there.

Her fingers brushed his name, “Jordan Lee Staal (your star)”. She remembered the first time Jordan got Star of the Game. He was so excited and when they got home, as he was boasting about it Olivia told him he was always her star. Since that day that was his nickname. She called him Star and he loved it.

She wiped her tears and folded up the letter. She couldn’t look at it anymore. Her feet carried to her desk where she cleared out the bottom drawer and stuck the letter. If he kept his promise of a letter a day, this drawer was not nearly as big enough.
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Please just comment a simple keep or delete on this story. I need to know if I should focus on this story or my other story For the Love of My Loved One

You're opinions would really help!

Peace. Love. Hockey.