My Days Are Numbered

Letter number 2

"Hey Jord, you up for lunch?" Kris Letang shouted across the locker room.

"I can't. I have to get this letter to Olivia's before she comes home from work." Jordan quickly untied his laces and removed his pads.

"Suit yourself..." Kris rolled his eyes as a few other young guys snickered. Some of the veterans sensed the tension and started up a rowdy conversation. Jordan didn't care about it anymore, his top priority was to get Olivia back.

"Jordan," Marc-Andre sat down beside him. Jordan just looked at him expecting some kind of joke. "Don't listen to them. They don't know what it is like to love someone. If I ever lost Vero, I would be just like you are. I know you love her Jord, you will get her back."

"I really messed up." Jordan shook his head. "I miss her."

"I know. Don't give up Jordan." He patted his team mate and walked away. At this point Jordan was so thankful to have someone like Marc, someone who understands how he feels, someone how is on his side.

After showering and changing, Jordan hopped in his car and drove to the house he used to share with her. Before leaving the letter on her door, he read it over one more time.

Dear Liv,

Yesterday I thought about the night you and I spent out on the lake back in Thunder Bay. That one freak heat wave that left us sweating bullets all night so you and I decided to grab some blankets and sleep out by the lake. I don't know why I thought of it, I just miss you a lot.

I owe you so much after what I did, and first up is an explanation. I just want to make sure you know that what happened was a complete and total mistake, I did not mean for it to happen. You had gone back to the bay to visit with our friends and family and I was missing you. I went out with the boys after a tough loss to the Caps and I just wanted to drink.

I don't remember much but what I do remember is that all I wanted to do was see you. I just wanted you and no one else. Heather found the club. She found me and I swear she took advantage of me. She told the guys she'd take me home and they thought I was a big enough boy to take care of myself but apparently not.

Olivia, I know it might not make a difference. Cheating is cheating and it's bad either way. I just want you to know that I still love you. I never stopped loving you and it's killing me to be a part from you.

I might start to sound pathetic but I don't care. I need you back in my life. I realize we can't jump back into things, but even if we start at the beginning again...

One last thing before I end this letter, I want you to know I've been sober for 5 weeks now. And I never want to drink a drop of alcohol again if it means I'll get you back.

I miss you so much. Please don't forget me.


He sighed and put the letter back into the envelope. He pulled it up to his lips and kissed it on the top corner. With one more sigh, Jordan got out of the car and ran to the front door.
♠ ♠ ♠
These chapters will be short but there will be a lot of chapters. Each one in a different point of view, each one including a letter.

Do you think Jordan is sounding a bit pathetic? Should he just accept the fact that Olivia might not take him back and move on? Or should he hold on to the little amount of hope he has.

Please comment :)

Peace. Love. Hockey.