My Days Are Numbered

Letter number 3

After getting the explanation yesterday, Olivia wasn't sure of what to expect today. As she arrived home from work her neighbor was outside shoveling her driveway.

"Good evening, Olivia." Her elder neighbor, Rowelle, greeted.

"Good evening Rowelle, do you need help shoveling your driveway?" Olivia offered. Jordan would usually help her shovel, but obviously Jordan wasn't around.

"Oh yes sweetie, if you wouldn't mind." She smiled great-fully.

"Of course not!"

"Well where is Jordan? Road trip?" Olivia felt a pang in her chest as Rowelle spoke his name.

"Uhm no...he's not around anymore."

"What do you mean he's not around anymore?" The elder woman was shocked.

"He's..." Before answering Olivia threw a shovel full of snow to the side. "He's not living here anymore." Shovel. "We decided to..." Shovel. "Well...I decided we needed to separate."

"That's a shame...he was a good guy. You two looked great together."

"Thank you...but some guys are not like what they seem to be." Olivia felt a hot tear rolling down her cold cheek. Rowelle could sense that this was a touchy subject so she dropped it and went on to talk about small subjects. When they were done shoveling the driveway, Rowelle invited Olivia inside to have some hot chocolate to warm them up, but she was eager to get to her letter.

As she reached her doorstep, there was no white envelope waiting for her. She looked around the porch in case it had fallen off the door handle, but there was nothing. Her heart unexpectedly sank to her stomach. Disappointed, she opened the door and walked inside. As she took off her shoes, she noticed the pile of melting snow. "Shit..." Olivia rushed to the kitchen to grab a rag but as she came back a figure was outlined through the window curtains.

She cautiously pulled the curtain aside to see who it was. His tall lean structure gave him away immediately. Her breath hitched in her throat as he stepped into the glow of the motion censored porch light. His usual short hair was longer and disheveled. His eyes were sunken in and he had a brace on his hand. She watched as he kissed the letter before setting it down on the door handle. She waited until he was drove away to get the letter. When the letter was in her hands, she tore it apart.

Dear Olivia,

It's getting harder and harder to go on every day without you. The other day I saw an English Shepard in a sweater and I thought of our plans to get a puppy. It seems like everything reminds me of you.

Jared called me today. He asked about you...I didn't have the heart to tell him that I messed us up. He then went ahead and told Eric and Marc as well...

I just want to take this letter to tell you how sorry I am for screwing everything up. I want to say that if I could take it all back I would. Olivia, you are the one for me. I just know it. When I look you in the eyes, I see myself growing old with you. I see us raising five kids. I see us moving back to the bay when I retire from hockey. I planned my whole future around you and now I don't know what's in my future...

I love you, Liv.

This letter brought Olivia to tears. She was full on sobbing by the time she reached the end. She could literally feel her heart break.Olivia tried to compose herself as her phone began to ring. Eric's face popped up on her screen.

"Hello?" Olivia answered cautiously.

"Olivia, it's Eric, Marc, and Jared."

"Hi guys..." She was thoroughly confused.

"What has Jordan done to you? Why would you just do that to him?" Marc's voice came in, furious.


"He's brought you to our house how many times? Our family welcomed you with open arms and you just kick him to the curb?" Jared chimed in as well.

"We cared about you, Olivia," Eric was more calm.

"What are you guys talking about? What did Jor-Jordan tell you?" She choked on his name.

"You kicked him out, Olivia!" Marc yelled.

"What?!" Olivia was shocked. "What were his exact words?" She demanded.

"He said you kicked him out and he loved you too much to argue so he left." Eric explained.

"Why? Why ,Olivia?" Jared said.

"Oh my god...he didn't tell you." Tears brimmed in Olivia's eyes.

"What is there to tell!?" Marc was clearly the most angry.

"He cheated on me!" Olivia shouted. "I did not kick him out for no reason! He cheated on me! It wasn't even a one night hook up! He cheated on me with Heather!"

There was silence on the Staal's end of the line. Olivia was sobbing, she couldn't believe that the three guys she was once so close to just ganged up on her. More importantly, she couldn't believe Jordan made her the bad guy.

"Olivia...are you for real?" Jared was the first to speak.

"I would not lie to you..." Her voice came out weak and small.

"I am so sorry..." Eric apologized. "I didn't...we didn't know. We shouldn't have attacked you like that..."

"Are you okay?" Marc finally spoke up.

"No Marc, I'm not. Now if you excuse me, I have some stuff to do."

"Olivia...wait!" Jared called but she had already hung up the phone.
♠ ♠ ♠
I added on. I got this idea just now so I hope you enjoy this version.

I'm not getting a lot of feedback. How are you guys liking this?
Leave a comment and tell me what you think!

Peace. Love. Hockey.