My Days Are Numbered

Letter number 4

"You did what?" Jordan's rough voice growled.

"We didn't know Jordan." His oldest brother tried reasoning with him.

"How dare you attack her when you didn't even know the whole story!" Jordan pounded on the table his laptop desk was sitting on. It shook the screen.

"You didn't tell us the whole god damn story!" Jared defended.

"Cause it's none of your business! She's probably even more pissed at me. Thanks guys, thanks a lot."

"It's not our fault you messed up in the first place!" Marc yelled. As soon as his words left his mouth, he knew he had gone too far. The four way video chat was now silent. Jordan glared at Marc through the camera. "I didn't mean..."

"Whatever, it's hard enough for me to try to go on every day without her, knowing I fucked it up. I don't need all of you on my ass." Jordan tried to stay composed in front of his brothers.

"Jordan, why didn't you tell us?" Eric bent down to pick up his toddler son.

"Uncle Jordan, you wook sad." Parker said as he tilted his head.

"I just miss you bud." Jordan feigned a smile.

"I miss you tew." Parker smiled.

"Park, go find mom." Eric set the little boy down.

"I couldn't just tell you guys." Jordan continued their conversation. "You all loved Olivia. How was I supposed to explain to you what I did?"

"We'd still love you. You're our brother. We'll help you get her back, if that's what you want..." Jared offered.

"Of course I want her back."

"What do you want us to do?" Eric asked.

"Write her a letter and send it to me." Jordan said after taking some time to think. "I am writing her a letter every day until she forgives me. It'll be nice to have a letter from you guys too. I know she really loved you all." Jordan felt a stab at his heart. He never realized that he tore her away from basically the closest family she had. Olivia's parents died when she was a young girl of a car accident, she was then sent to live with her grandparents. Just months after she started college both her grandparents died as well, just weeks apart from each other. She was devastated. She had no other family so when she got serious with Jordan, his family became hers too.

"Will do." Jared said. Marc has been quiet ever since his un-called for comment.

"I got to go. I have to write her letter for today."

"See you." Jared and Eric said at the same time. Marc just waved.

Dear Liv,

I am so incredibly sorry about my brothers. I didn't know they'd do that to you. I had a serious talk to them about it. I really am sorry. I want you to know I didn't pin my heartache on you. I didn't make you the bad guy on purpose. I couldn't tell my brothers that I was the one that messed up, they love you too much. They would have been so mad at me, so I just said you wanted to separate.

They want to apologize, Olivia. They'll probably call...or something. I hope they do. You deserve an apology. None of this blame should be put on you.

I don't know if you care or not but...the Penguins are having a benefit gala next Saturday. A bunch of big people are supposedly coming. I heard Taylor Swift is coming...Adele...Justin Bieber. I know you'd love to go to this so...I left a ticket for you at will call. Uhmm yeah so it's there if you want to go...I love you, Liv.

♠ ♠ ♠
Just some background about Olivia in this chapter! Also, do you think Olivia will go to that thing?

Let me know how you like it so far!

Peace. Love. Hockey.