My Days Are Numbered

Letter number 11

Olivia tossed the tenth letter into the drawer. "Special letters?" She whispered to herself. Jordan had mentioned she'd be getting 3 special letters starting today. She probably read the 10th letter over 20 times today. It was her day off and she could not have been any more anxious for the 11th letter. Right on cue, Jordan slipped up to the door and kissed the letter before setting on the doorknob. Olivia wasted no time ripping the letter open once it was in her hands.

Dear Olllie,

Olivia gasped. There was only one person on this earth who called her that. These letters were from Jordan's brothers.

First of all, I want to apologize for that phone call you got. It was very immature of us to do that without knowing the whole story. Second of all, I am so sorry about you and my brother. I had no idea... This makes absolutely no sense to me. Jordan loves you so much and I know he does. He talks about you all the time. He brings you up in every conversation. It just makes no sense. Third of all, I miss you.

Tanya and I want to let you know that if you ever need a place to go to, our home is always open to you.

Love you always Ollie.

You're favorite Staal, Eric.

Olivia sat there for a good five minutes trying to figure out what he was trying to say. Then, just as she was about to give up, the doorbell rang.

"Well hey there sweet cheeks!" Olivia stood there in awe. "Well, say something!"

"ERIC!" Olivia finally screamed. He dropped his bags and hugged her tight. "What the fuck are you doing in Pittsburgh!?"

"Taking a little vacay." He smiled. Olivia ran her hand through her hair after letting him go.

"Come in." She stepped aside.

"This is so weird." Eric said aloud though he didn't mean to.

Olivia looked at him with confused eyes, "what is?"

"Uhmm...Jordan not being here." He scratched his head.

"Oh...right. Are you going to be staying with him...or...?" Olivia was more than uncomfortable having that conversation.

"I would but his apartment is only one room so...I was hoping to stay here?" Eric smiled his innocent smile.

"Of course, come on." Olivia grabbed one of his bags and led him up the stairs. "You can stay in here." Olivia stopped in front of the closed door. Eric opened the door and gave Olivia a confused look.

"'re not sleeping in here?" Eric noticed the room she led him to was the master bed room.

"Uhhh no, I'm staying in the guest room. I can't...he..." Olivia breathed harder as tears began to pool in her eyes. "It's hard."

Eric dropped his bags in the corner of the room and shut the door. "Come on." He held his hand to her. She took it and he led her back downstairs to her living room. "How have you been? And tell me the truth."

"The truth?"


"I hurt. All over. Mentally, physically, emotionally. Every time I close my eyes I see him. every time I go to sleep, I dream of him. I want to forgive him so bad but I can't. He cheated on me, with Heather! I have nightmares all the time that they live together now and that they're happier than ever. I just wish...I just wish that I could go back in time. If I hadn't gone back to the Bay that weekend...maybe that would have never happened." Olivia tried to speak clearly as tears streamed down her face.

"Are you trying to say this is your fault?" Eric said, appalled.

"No, I'm saying I could have prevented it."

"Olivia, please...none of this is your fault. What happened, happened. It's in the past and all there's left to do now is move on. Whether that involves forgiving Jordan or not, it's up to you." Eric watched as the brown haired girl across from him wipe the tears away on her face.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore." She gulped. "How are Parker and Tanya?"

"Oh, I totally forgot. Hold on." Eric jumped off the couch and bounded up the stairs. In mere moments, he returned with a box in his hand. "Sorry about the wrapping, Park wanted to help."

Olivia laughed softly at the box. "Thank you." She said as she took it from him. She opened it carefully. Inside was a neatly folded Hurricanes blanket and a card. The card read, "Hey Liv, hope you're doing okay. Parker, Eric, and I are anxious to have you visit again. Hopefully after this little girl is born. Did Eric tell you? We're naming her Peyton Lillian. Going along with the P names. Miss you sweetheart. Love, Tanya."

"So Peyton Lillian, beautiful name." Olivia smiled.

"Sure is, we can't wait to actually hold her. Three more weeks." Eric gleamed.

"Are you hungry? Let's go eat."
♠ ♠ ♠
I am not sure what Tanya is having but I think she is due soon isn't she? I sure hope it's a girl. Seeing Ryan Kesler with his little girl makes my heart melt. Imagine Eric with one. Awww....

I hope you all enjoy this! Something new. Let me know what you think.

Peace. Love. Hockey.