Status: Very Active :)

Suicide eyes

Scanning the territory

Lily Mason narrowed her blood red eyes as she walked up to her new school, Mountain High. Lily sighed as a few humans passed her. Being a vampire in a school full of humans was never easy.

"Oh, I know that look," someone chuckled. Lily turned, her waist length platinum blonde hair flying out behind her. Standing in front of her was an insanely tall, muscular, tan man with a large tattoo on his shoulder, warm brown eyes, short, black hair, and a black suiit.

"What look?" Lily snarled. The man frowned slightly and took a sniff of the air.

"Ah, a vampire," the man said loudly.

"Are you crazy?!" Lily growled as a few humans looked at her.

"It's okay, everyone here is either a human, vampire, witch, or warlock, or a werewolf, which I am," the man smiled.

"And the humans are okay with this?" Lily asked eyeing a vampire couple that walked past them.

"They wouldn't be here if they weren't. I'm Principal Brown. You must be Lily Mason." Principal Brown offered his hand, but Lily just stared at it blankly.

"I understand, you're not used to being nice to wolves," Brown smiled.

"Can I just get my schedule?" Lily snapped.

"You a rogue?" Brown frowned.

"How did you know?" Lily smirked.

"Lucky guess, come on, I'll get someone to show you around." Brown motioned towards a group of large, tan, muscular boys who ran over and encircled them.

"Lily Mason, meet the Mountain Pack. Mountain Pack, meet Lily Mason." The boys offered small hellos except for one boy with forest green eyes and scruffy brown hair. He stepped forward and offered his hand, his face stony.

"Hunter Hawthorne, alpha." Lily nodded her head and when his hand didn't move Lily sighed.

"Lily Mason, rogue." She shook his hand quickly and then shoved it into her black, leather, motorcycle jacket. Lily always wore leather and heels. She was a vampire, she was supposed to be hot and tough, so she dressed the part.

"Hunter, where's Opal?" Brown asked.

"Hunter!? What are you doing with a leech!?" A shrill voice screamed.

"Throw em' all together and there's bound to be racism." Lily snarled. Hunter chuckled a deep rolling laugh as he looked behind him. A short girl with curly black hair and chocolate brown eyes stepped in front of Hunter and glared at Lily.

"Opal Jackson, alpha female, Hunter's mate," Opal snarled, her hands on Hunter's chest.

"Pleasure," Lily snarled. The boys around her gasped and Opal's eyes widened.

"It is a sign of respect to give an alpha your name," Opal growled.

"One, I'm not one to show respect. Two, I'm not a werewolf so traditional rules like that shouldn't apply to me. And three, ever try to get me to do something again and I'll rip your pretty little head off." Lily and Opal were nose to nose. Opal glared into Lily's eyes then gasped.

"Hunter, her eyes are red," Opal screamed. Hunter grabbed Lily's shoulders, shivering when Lily snarled ferociously. He stared deeply into her eyes, as if looking for something.

"Are you a hunter?" He asked.

"Of course, vampires are natural born hunters," Lily rolled her eyes.

"All vampires around here get their blood from a blood bank," Brown muttered.

"Unfresh blood! God, what kind of backward town is this where vampires can't hunt?" Lily roared. Hunter jumped back and shielded Opal from sight. Lily saw Opal's hands fly to her stomach, a protective stance taking her over.

"I don;t waste my precious time with pregnant bitches," Lily snarled. Hunter roared and transformed in front of Lily's eyes. His dark brown fur shone under the weak sunlight. His wet, black nose inches from Lily's.

"Don't you dare insult the mother of the future alpha's," one of the pack members snarled.

"I'll do whatever the hell I want," Lily growled, staring deeply into Hunter's eyes.

"Please, no violence," a squeaky voice pleaded. Lily didn't look away until Hunter did. She looked back and saw a girl with chin length chestnut brown hair and grass green eyes wearing a yellow, flowy sundress.

"Hello witch," Lily smiled kindly.

"Why are you nice to me, but evil to them?" The girl frowned and crossed her arms.

"Vampires and werewolves are natural born enemies. Its been that way for centuries. Witches are the Switzerland of our war. The neurtal party. You help us both. A witch like you actually saved my life once. I promised her I would be kind to all witches and warlocks from then on, unless they crossed me in some way of course." The girl stared at Lily in fasination.

"You're different, I can tell."

"Thank you," Lily nodded her head respectfully.

"I still think you should apologize," the girl frowned.

"I don't apologize," Lily snarled.

"Maybe now's a good time to start," the girl shrigged her small shoulders.

"No." With that Lily walked away, leaving everyone in shock.
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