Status: The last one of the Night Trilogy, I swear! :D

P.S I'm Dying,

Kiss And Sell, by The Maine

link to lyric video:

After the dance starts and everyone is moved from the dining area into the next room, I excuse myself to the restroom. I sit there on the couch outside the restrooms and sigh sadly.

Even though the ballroom is like five rooms down, I can still clearly hear every word that’s being sung by the singer.

“Love this song” a guy says plopping down next to me. He’s tall and lanky with golden brown hair underneath a rainbow beanie. For some reason he’s got on sunglasses. He’s even in a casual black shirt and dark coat; no tie. I wonder how he pulled that off; he’s probably the Queen’s grandson or something; except he doesn’t sound British.

“Under Pressure” I say nodding, “It’s like David Bowie’s best song, but...”

“But what?” He asks.

“I liked it better when My Chemical Romance performed it” I say honestly.

The guy lies back against the couch and smirks at me, “Rock girl, are you?”

“Not exactly” I say a bit sheepish, “I mean, my favorite bands are The Maine and Bowling for Soup. I think that The Maine’s songs are too soft and sweet to really be considered rock, and Bowling for Soup is more punk than rock. But yes, I prefer rock over pop to answer your question”

He’s smirking even wider now, “I like your musical tastes, what’s your name?”

“Kat Night” I smile at him. At least he’s nice.

“Well, Kat, promise me a dance later?” he asks getting up.

“Why not now?” I ask, actually willing to risk falling flat on my face for this gorgeous guy.

“Because I’m up” He grins and walks away from me.


I watch as he walks out the doors of this section of the palace and disappears around the corner. Suddenly a figure pops up from where the guy was just at. It’s James.

“Hey!” He says recognizing me and jogging over.

I grin at him, “Well don’t you look dashing”

He rolls his eyes and stops in front of me, “I look like a monkey in a suit, now c’mon!”

“What?” I whine as he grabs my arm and hauls me off the couch.

“The Maine is about to start playing!”

I blink at him and rush off, practically having to drag James, which is saying something since I’m in heels. As we enter the ballroom I notice everybody dancing slowly to another David Bowie song. I stop in my tracks and grimace. James and I wait impatiently for him to end and when he gets off the stage I nearly scream excitedly.

“Calm down, love, don’t wet yourself”

I roll my eyes at James but grab his arm, “If I faint, roll me off to the side and cover me with a rug”

He smirks at me, “Deal”

That’s when I see them. The Maine is climbing up on stage and getting into position. I drag James forward until we’re almost in front of the stage, and look up at them.

“Hey, there’s John O’” James says. When my eyes find him my heart stutters. It’s that guy! The one with the sunglasses and rainbow beanie; only he’s not wearing them anymore. They must’ve been so nobody could recognize him and, possibly, rape him.

“Hey, we’re The Maine and this song is called ‘Girls Do What They Want’. It goes out to all the beautiful debutantes at this glorious ball, and my new friend Kat” John looks right at me and winks.

I stop breathing and it isn’t until they’ve played half of the song that I realize James is staring at me in shock.

“She’s 18 and a beauty queen. She’s figured out all the boys like me. Head to toe, you know she’s dressed to kill. And she could the way she’s looking at me. It’s her face and those eyes; I can’t escape ‘em. It’s that mouth and those lies, try not to taste ‘em. That’s just the way things are. And the way they’ll always be...”

James drags me away from the crowd and music, into a small corner and asks in amazement, “What did you do?” Then he corrects himself, “Who did you do?”

That makes me come out of shock, “Nobody, dumbass, I just talked with him a couple of minutes ago... I didn’t realize it was John O’Callaghan, though”

“Well, he’s headed this way... So hasta la vista, love” James says and hurries off. That’s when I notice no one’s singing; there’s just the instruments playing. I also notice John O’Callaghan headed right toward me with a big grin.

“I believe, you promised me a dance” he says as he stands in front me. Whoa, he’s tall, and he smells good. Oh my god, I don’t think I can do this.

I gulp, “Uh...”

His smile widens, “I guess I should’ve told you I’m the lead singer of your favorite band”

I clear my throat nervously, “Yeah, you probably should’ve... It’s alright, though”

He frowns at me, “Don’t be nice just because I’m famous, treat me like any other person, Kat”

I grimace, “I highly doubt that’s possible”

“Please?” he begs and I just can’t resist his lovely hazel eyes.

“Gosh, you jerk! You should’ve told me you were John O’, I could have probable gone into shock and died! I could sue you, y’know!” I exclaim vehemently.

He grins at me, “Well I’m so very sorry, Kat, will you please do me the honor of dancing with me?”

My heart stutters again as he reaches for my hand. I give it to him and he pulls me in close, placing his other hand on my waist. Even through the corset I feel the heat of his palm. I try not to look nervous as I place my hand on his shoulder and glance into his eyes.

“What’s your favorite song from my band?” he asks quietly.

Somehow I manage to say, “Into Your Arms”

He laughs, “I didn’t figure you for the romantic type. Why do you like it?”

“Because it’s full longing and remorse, like if you just figured out how good you had it back then, and you want to change what happened... But you can’t ‘cause that’s life” I say truthfully.

John smiles at me and, unbelievably, begins to sing, “There was a new girl in town. She had it all figured out. Well I’ll state something rash; she had the most amazing... smile” he winks at me and I can’t help but laugh.

“I bet you didn’t expect that. She made me change my ways. With eyes like crystals, baby, and legs that went on for days”

I smile widely knowing that the ‘crystals’ part is supposed to be ‘sunsets’.

“I’m falling in love but it’s falling apart. I need to find my way back to the start. When we were in love things were better than they are. Let me back into... Into your arms” he sings.

I wonder if he can hear my heart beating erratically, because I sure can.


Elijah Worthington IV

“What’s so fantastic about him?” I ask James angrily as we sit on one of the chairs against the wall and watch Kat with the lead singer of The Maine. He yawns and responds, “You mean besides the fact that he’s famous, a musician, and attractive, well nothing, really”

I roll my eyes at his sarcasm, and glare at the bloke as he presses even closer against her. “I mean she’s my fiancée, you’d think she’d have the decency to not flirt with other blokes”

James scoffs and takes out a cigarette from his pocket. “Didn’t stop you from flirting with Lady Amelia”

I take the cigarette from him and put it in my pocket, “You’re not supposed to smoke in here, and I have no idea what you’re talking about”

He stares at me incredulously, “’Oh, Eli, I’d forgotten how charming you are, hee, hee’” he giggled impersonating my ex-fiancée. Then he continues in my voice, “’Only for you, love’”

I snort, “I do not sound like that”

“Whatever, look, mate, nobody knows about the engagement. Look at it in the perspective of other blokes; they see a young, beautiful, single girl who’s completely different from all these boring princesses”

“Doesn’t mean she’s supposed to dance with any of them” I say impassively.

James starts to laugh, “I cannot believe you’re jealous. Weren’t you so desperately in love with Lady Amelia Windsor?”

“I am not jealous, and I am still in love with Amelia, it’s just that Kat is my fiancée, I can’t help but feel a bit territorial!” I exclaim vehemently. I do love Amelia. She’s kind, sweet, smart, and beautiful.

“Fine, whatever you say, mate. But don’t you think it’s only fair for Kat to have a little fun after all this stuff with Lady Amelia” James shrugs.

“She’s the one that said we should just be friends” I say quietly, but James catches it.

“Aha! So you do like her!” James accuses.

“Maybe a little bit, but I can’t love her like I love Amelia” I say truthfully.

“We’ll see” James responds smugly.


“I’ll see you later, ‘kay?” John says walking towards the stage since his band can’t stall much longer; he has to sing.

I frown at him mockingly, “Its Kat, have you forgotten my name already?”

He rolls his eyes at my lame pun and disappears behind the stage. “Ahh” I sigh dreamily. This has officially been the best night of my life.

“Care to dance?” I turn around and surprisingly find Eli Worthington with his hand outstretched for me.

My eyebrows furrow, “But you’re Lady Amelia’s escort”

He shrugs, “She’s dancing with some other chap”

Ah, so this is a last resort type of thing. Well, whatever, he can’t damper my mood no matter what; I just danced with John O’Callaghan.

I shrug, “I suppose” and take his hand. Instead of keeping his hand with mine, he pulls me closer and puts both his hands on my waist. I have no other choice but to hook mine around his neck. Is it me or did it just get really warm?

“She thinks I’m crazy judging by the faces that she’s making. And I think she’s pretty, but pretty’s just part of the things she does that amaze me. She calls me sweetheart! I love it when she wakes me when it’s still dark. And she watches the sun, but she’s the only one I have my eyes on...” John sings.

Although I don’t know how to dance Eli, on the other hand, is an amazing dancer and leads me without flaw. His eyes bore into mine and his lips are in a peaceful half-smile.

What was I thinking? This is torture; am I the only one that feels the connection between us? The electric current making me want to press against him and do stuff that will hurt me later is too over-whelming.

“Go on and tell ‘em that you love me and it’ll be alright. Are you thinking of me? Just come to me tonight. She moves in closer. Can’t stop, won’t stop. I must be dreaming” as the music comes to end; all other sounds do, too. The only thing I can hear is my heart pounding in my ears.

Eli’s eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips and I’m just so tempted to erase the space between us. His smile fades as he becomes serious and leans in a bit, his head tilting to the side carefully. He looks into my eyes and whatever he sees there makes him take a deep breath, close his eyes, and—


My breath becomes shaky, but my eyes flicker open in time to see Eli’s eyes widen in surprise. He lets go of me completely, practically pushing me away, and turns his head in the voice’s direction; I do, too. Lady Amelia Windsor stands there looking like a complete angel.

I take a step back in surprise, wishing I weren’t here, wishing I didn’t see the longing flicker in Eli’s eyes and how his arms automatically twitch up as if to embrace her like I imagine they did in old times.

My heart cracks a bit, but I do my best to keep a straight face.

Lady Amelia’s gaze flickers from Eli to me and she smiles happily, “Hello, my name is Amelia Windsor; it’s nice to meet you”

I feel my throat threatening to collapse but I manage to respond, “Kat Night, um, I’ve got to go polish my nose ring” and turn in a hurry, avoiding looking at Eli.

I make my way to the restrooms again, but this time I go in. Checking to make sure nobody’s in the stalls, I head to the mirror and just stare at myself, scrutinizing every square inch of my body.

I’m tall, but not too tall. 5, 6 is a good number, right?

And I’m not as thin as Amelia Windsor, but that’s okay, nobody really likes skinny girls, anyway, right?

My hair’s frighteningly boring and my face is too normal, but... there is no ‘but’s.

Gosh, what was I thinking? That Eli might actually want me, when that Greek Goddess over there wants him?

I shake my head and sigh, leaving the bathroom, meaning to go hide somewhere until the damn party is over, but I bump into John O’Callaghan.

“Oh hey” He says brightly as he makes sure I don’t fall.

“Sorry, these heels are dangerous” I say sheepishly as he leads me to sit down on the couch we were on before... y’know, before I found out he was a rockstar.

“How’s your night been?” John asks with a smile.

I shrug, “Not that great. Hey, John, can I ask you a question?”

He nods and concentrates his full attention on me.

“What do you look for in a girl?” I ask staring at him. He mulls over my question for a bit before he answers.

“Well she’s got to be funny. ‘s for sure. She also has to be human”

I laugh, “Ah, yes, human girls are so hard to come by these days”

“She’s also got to be insanely gorgeous” he says with a grin.

I roll my eyes, “Boys”

“But most importantly, she’s got to be interesting” he finishes. I thank him for his answer, but it wasn’t what I was looking for.

“But let’s say you know two girls. One is beautiful, smart, nice and a blonde”

“Let’s call her Jane” he suggests.

I smile, “Okay, well Jane; I mean, she’s completely beautiful, and you’ve been in love with since forever and she loves you back”

He raises his eyebrows at me, “Wow, she sounds great”

“Yeah, I know; so then there’s, um, Delilah. Delilah isn’t that pretty, nor smart, and especially not nice. She’s an unloved orphan, a cynic, and has issues with her life.”

He smirks, “I’m guessing Delilah’s a brunette”

I roll my eyes, “Yes, and well let’s say you guys were forced together by, like, your parents or whatever, and, well, I guess what I’m trying to say is, who would you choose? Ame—Jane or Delilah?” I look down, not really wanting to hear his answer.

“Hm” He murmurs contemplating my question, “Well if Delilah’s you, then I pick you”

I let out a laugh and look up at him; he’s smiling back at me, “If I didn’t know any better, Mr. O’Callaghan, I’d think you were flirting with me”

He smirks, “Well, maybe you don’t know any better”

Just as I’m going to say a witty response, or possibly ask him to marry me, a group of giggling young-royal girls comes up to him.

“Can we have your autograph?” They ask him excitedly. I didn’t know royalty had to ask. John smirks at me and I smile at him before he gets up and starts signing random things. One girl even asks him to sign her bra.

“Um, I’ve got to go, it’s getting late” I say remembering Lady Willow saying we were leaving at twelve sharp. Without thinking I take off one of the sparkly things from my hair and tuck it between the cushions, and then I make my way across this section of the majestic palace.

Somehow he manages to pull himself away from the girls and catches up to me as I reach the doors, “U-um, can I have your number?” he asks quickly.

I blink at him for a second. “I don’t have a cell phone”

He looks crest-fallen, “Oh, um, well do you have an email?”

I smile, “Yes, actually”

He takes a sharpie out his pocket and hands it to me, “Write it anywhere you wish”

I grin and take his hand turning it palm-side up. I quickly scribble my email address:

Then, unexpectedly, he leans down and gives me a kiss on the cheek, “Bye”

Did I die and go to heaven?