Status: The last one of the Night Trilogy, I swear! :D

P.S I'm Dying,

Don't Trust Me,

“Wake up”

I groan and pull the pillow over my head. I didn’t get to sleep until like two o’clock in the morning because it took forever to take off everything. I deserve some rest.

“It’s nearly four, Kat!” I hear Eli exclaim. I groan, “Why can’t you let me sleep?!” I complain sitting up.

I rub at my crusty eyes and try not to breathe in the nastiness that is my breath. He’s in proper clothing and his hair is neatly combed. Great for him; I rather look ugly and sleep in.

He grimaces at me, “Your laptop keeps going off, fix it”

I throw him a pillow that he dodges, “No one said you had to be in my room”

“I beg to differ,” He replies bitterly, taking a seat on the desk chair, “James and my sister are, um, expressing their love in my room”

It takes me a moment to realize what he meant, and then I grimace and say, “Ew”. I grab my laptop from the night table next to my bed and disconnect it from the charger. I flip it open and log into my account.

As I wait for it to load, I look at Eli. He’s lying back staring at the ceiling with boredom. I wonder if he’s ever thought about our kiss that day on the plane. I wonder if he even remembers that he almost kissed me last night.

I flinch as a loud beeping noise goes off, “You’ve got mail!”

“Congratulations” I hear Eli say sarcastically.

I type in my password and go into my Yahoo account. Whoa, five new emails. I’ve never even had one. I read them in the order they were sent:



Hey, Kat, right? I believe you’re the girl I met last night at a party. I mean, I don’t even know why I have your email written on my hand. Did we have a one-night-stand, or something? Do you need compensation for, you know...?

My jaw drops and I nearly scream. I should’ve known better. Rockstars are shallow bastards with humongous egos!



I’m kidding!



In case you were planning on murdering me, or something, I’ll have you know I remember you completely; from your gorgeous crystal blue eyes, down to you amazing... feet. :)

Okay, I take it back, rockstars are the best.



Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out. The band and I will be in Brighton for a few more weeks, ‘cause we booked some great gigs here. Also because I love crumpets.



Okay, I’m kidding about the crumpets, in case you think that’s weird. The guys said it was weird to send you that, but what do they know? I’m the one that writes songs. So, do you want to hang out?

I gulp and blink twice. Nope, I’m not delusional.

I quickly type him a ‘Love to’ and close my laptop knowing I might not get a response ‘til later.

“Who was that?” Eli asks.

“Um, nobody” I respond quickly. Unfortunately, my laptop decides to talk, “You’ve got mail!”

I open it, put my password, and log back into my Yahoo account.



Great! How about a walk at the beach? I’ll pick you up around six tomorrow afternoon?


I start as I realize Eli was reading over my shoulder. I shift so that I’m facing him, even though I’m sitting down which makes him taller. “What do you mean ‘no’? I can’t have friends?”

He frowns, “I mean that my father does not allow anybody on the premises that does not have a personal invitation from him”

“Well, I’ll just go by myself, then” I say impassively.

He grimaces down at me, “Fine”

“Fine” I repeat.

John O’Callaghan is so fine.


Somehow I manage to convince Gabe and James that a trip to the beach would be a great idea, even in November. I slip on clean blue jeans and a nice spaghetti strap, black, blouse. I grab a thin grey jacket, fix my bangs, apply more eyeliner and I’m ready to go.

As I exit my room I notice Eli standing by the door looking serious, “Do try to be careful, Kat”

But before I can reply something sarcastic, he turns on his heel and disappears down the hall.

I shake my head and make my way downstairs where James and Gabe are waiting, “Ready to go?” Gabe asks and I nod.

The ride over there doesn’t take long since we take a black SUV instead of a limo. The chauffeur drops us off right on the stairs that lead down to the sand. Thankfully, since it was cold out, the sand’s hard and doesn’t spray so much.

“Kat?” I turn and see John O’Callaghan running towards me. He’s wearing a plain white shirt, slim black pants, the black coat from Friday, and a cute black hat.

I wave as he nears and say, “Hey”

That’s when I realize that Gabe and James are staring at me in shock. “Um, John, these are my friends; Gabe and James. Gabe and James, this is my friend John”

“Pleasure to meet you” he nods to them.

“Like wise” James says shooting me a ‘what is going on?’ look.

“Um, well, see you guys in an hour” I say quickly grabbing John’s arm and walking the opposite direction.


“No way, so you actually had to perform while you were sick?” I ask as we walk by the water, watching the waves and kicking random rocks around.

John laughs, “It’s not as bad as it sounds.”

I look at him incredulously and he ducks his head sheepishly, “Yeah, it’s as bad as it sounds. I actually threw up on stage in the middle of a song”

“Why didn’t I hear about this?” I ask curiously.

“This was around the time the seventh Harry Potter book came out, so I guess people would rather talk about the end of an amazing book series than John O’Callaghan puking on stage. Go figure” he laughs.

I laugh with him and shiver slightly. He stops walking, “Are you cold?”

I clear my throat, “A bit”

He takes off his coat, “Here”

I take it gratefully, “Thanks, but I hope you won’t get too cold”

He smiles at me, “Don’t worry, I’m a man, men don’t get cold, our testosterone keeps us warm”

I scoff at him and sit down on the sand, “Let’s watch the sunset”

“As you wish, m’lady” he says with a British accent and sits down next to me.

I stare up as the sun goes down. It creates magical purple waves all around it as it settles down for sleep. When John starts singing, I don’t even look at him, letting his voice add more magic to the scene before me.

“She thinks I’m crazy judging by the faces that she’s making. And I think she’s pretty, but pretty’s just part of the things she does that amaze me. She calls me sweetheart! I love it when she wakes me when it’s still dark. And she watches the sun, but she’s the only one I have my eyes on...”

As his voice fades so does the sun; I look back at him in time to see that he’s been looking at me this whole time. As the sky turns black, John gets closer to me.

“I like you, Kat” he whispers. “A lot”

My breath hitches in my throat, and when he closes the distance between us and slowly introduces his lips to mine, I forget how to breathe all together.

Somebody clears their throat. I flinch away from John and look up to see James and Gabe. James looks incredulous, while Gabe looks smug, “It’s time to go”

I look back at John and smile, “Bye”, then get up and walk away with Gabe and James.

All the while my heart won’t slow down.