Status: The last one of the Night Trilogy, I swear! :D

P.S I'm Dying,

A Brilliant Idea

One month later

“What’s wrong, dear?” Lady Worthington asks as she watches her husband pace up and down their gigantic suite.

Lord Worthington tightens his robes around his expensive silk pajamas. “It’s our children. I just don’t know how to handle them anymore. Elijah is refusing to speak with me, Gabriel is wasting her time with that delinquent, and Imogene is running around wild” He groans and pulls at his hair stressfully.

Lady Worthington looks at her husband fondly, “I know, dear, but they are who they are. And I think Katherine is a wonderful match for our son”

Lord Worthington shrugs, “I suppose. But he doesn’t want her and they aren’t spending time together according to Miles, what if Elijah—“

She shakes her head vehemently, “He won’t. And she’s just so wonderfully unique; I know Elijah will come to love her as much as he loves Lady Amelia”

Lord Worthington stomps his feet, “But it’ll take time! I can’t just wait around until they fall in love, Elijah is amazingly stubborn, and the wedding is nearly four months away...”

She sighs as he climbs into bed, “Why can’t you just tell them, dear?”

He shakes his head, “For one, it was one of the conditions Dr. Night set down, and secondly, if they find out they’ll fight even more forcefully against it, believing they’ve got less of a choice in this than they thought”

Lady Worthington becomes quiet for a moment and then speaks, “Well, then, what do you suppose we can do?”

He sighs again, “They need alone time; away from everybody else; every day.”

“So you want them to be alone, with nobody around, each day? That’s impossible, darling”

Lord Worthington suddenly brightens, “I’ve got it! Why did I not think of this before?”

“What, dear?”

“We shall speak to Elijah about it tomorrow morning, good night!” he claps his hands and the lights go off.

Lady Worthington sighs; she has a feeling neither of them will like her husband’s proposal.