Status: The last one of the Night Trilogy, I swear! :D

P.S I'm Dying,

Bed Arrangements

“Good morning!” Lord Worthington bursts into the dining room. I nearly drop the toast I had in my hand, and James actually chokes a bit on the vodka-spiked orange juice he was drinking.

“Good morning” We reply with confusion. Lord Worthington is usually a bit on the grumpy side in the mornings. Well at any time of the day, really. I shoot Eli a questioning look, but he just shrugs, too tired to really care, I suppose.

Lord Worthington takes his place at the head of the table, next to Lady Willow, but doesn’t sit down, “I have an announcement”

No one says anything; we just stare until he goes on, “The other day, I went to a dinner party at Prince Edward’s, Duke of Kent, mansion and we were talking about the gala that the British Royal Family has been preparing, to present the debutantes of their family and closest friends, of course, and they want to include Gabriel, isn’t that great?”

I don’t know who he was asking, but Gabriel didn’t find it great. “A cotillion? Are you serious, dad? Those are for, like, 16 year olds; I’m twenty-three”

“Exactly, and I have yet to present you to society. And I beg to differ; Princess Beatrice of York is a debutante and she’s 23, like you”

“’Present me to society’? What cr— rubbish! You mean to eligible bachelors!” Gabe exclaims vehemently, standing up to meet her father’s eyes.

“That is not my intention, but it would be collateral damage, I suppose” Lord Worthington says impassively.

“’Collateral damage’? Ugh!” Gabe screams and walks out of the dining room. James barely manages to look at her before he’s back to eating bacon.

Lord Worthington sits down and shakes his head, “She’ll be the death of me, I swear”

I pick at my pancakes uncomfortably; I really hope this cotillion is like a year away.

As if reading my mind, Eli asks, “When is it, father?”

“In two months, the first of November; the British Royal Family has got everything ready. They’re even providing the dress for Gabriel. All she has to do is attend practice and then show up that night. Is it too much to ask for?”

It seems like a rhetorical question so Eli doesn’t answer.

In two months? Damn, I guess that means I have to show up in a dress... Oh and with my fiancé, ‘ugh’ is right.

Lady Willow clears her throat and stands up, “Well, I’ve got to take Idgie to the hairdresser, dear. I’ll see you in the afternoon” she gives Lord Worthington a peck on the lips and runs off to find Idgie, who’d disappeared almost an hour ago.

James chews his last bit of bacon and leaves as well. Which means it’s just Lord Worthington, Eli, and me. Lord Worthington clears his throat, “I’d like to speak with Elijah alone, Katherine, if you please."

I stand awkwardly and hurry off to my room. I really hope it’s not about me.


Elijah Worthington IV

“This is about Katherine” My father says.

I sigh, “What about her?”

“Well, you two haven’t been spending enough time together as I’d hoped”

I suddenly feel very angry, “What do you expect, father? You forced us both into this relationship!”

My father doesn’t even look fazed and ignores what I just said, “Which is why, I’d like for you to share the same dormitory”

My jaw drops, “What?”

“Yes; it will give you time to... get to know each other”

“You want me to sleep with her?”

He rolls his eyes at my crude accusation, “Of course not, Elijah! I expect you to respect her, young man. I just want for you two to spend time together, and be used to each other by the time the wedding comes”

“Okay” I reply quickly.

At that he looks taken aback, “What do you mean okay?”

I feel the urge to blush, “W-well, I mean I know you’re going to make me do it no matter what, so what’s the use of arguing?”

My father stares curiously at me for a moment, then he actually smiles patting me on the back, “That’s the spirit, son”

Then he leaves me alone.

That’s when I realize what I just agreed to. I’m going to sleep with Kat tonight. Oh, boy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter's called: I will not take off my pants! lol