

In her mind they were just simple ways of comfort. At least that was how it was at first. Now they are obsessive habits or compulsions. They are something she can’t break free of no matter how hard she tries. Her arms are always tired and so is her brain. Every moment of her life is a constant continuous struggle for comfort. Instead of calmly handling things like others, all she can do is think up the most irrational things. Her fears grow every day and add on as they go. As much as she wants to break free, she can't. She is stuck. There is no turning, no running, and definitely no hiding. There is one way to get rid of it, but she couldn’t go down that route.

That sad, dark route was supposed to be the root of her problem anyway. That’s what the therapist thinks anyway. Losing her brother to suicide was what everyone seemed to think triggered her Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. She couldn’t remember a time before then anymore so she wasn’t so sure where it had started. It didn’t matter to her anyway. Getting rid of it was her only wish, but it seemed so unlikely, so impossible.

She had this terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach; she was going to be forever Obsessed.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is gonna be a long note.
For those of you who know me, you’ve heard me say I have OCD. It’s true that I do and it is something that I do struggle with, however this character is not based on me. This character has a more severe case of the disorder and obviously it’s been written in a way that can not possibly be about me.

It does however mean a lot to me to write about this. I may not be the most amazing writer and this may be the worst thing you’ve ever read, but I’m proud of myself for writing it. If you do happen to comment, please be respectful.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!