A Series of Cinema Bizarre Events

Kiro; The Guardian Angel

I skipped down the street to the apartment that Kiro, Strify, Luminor, Shin, Yu and recently, Romeo shared. I had known the guys forever, and, well... I had a slight ‘thing’ for Kiro, but only Shin and Yu knew. Shin, Yu and I had been the best of friends forever, and when everyone became a band, I became like an adopted little sister. No one had ever had a problem with me hanging around. I grinned as I pushed through the front door, which confronted me with pigeonholes, an elevator and a stairwell. Being the lazy sod I am, I took the elevator up to the fourth floor, which was Kiro’s apartment.
I knocked on the door.
“Kiro! You in there?”
“Hang on...”
I heard some shuffling around going on inside, then the door opened, and Kiro stood before me in his boxers.
“Good grief put some clothes on!” I laughed
“Ah, get lost...” he laughed absently
I took a good, hard look at Kiro. He seemed down, depressed somehow. All the energy had disappeared from his face, leaving a vacant look and his green eyes were listless and dull, missing the mischievous glint and energetic sparkle they usually held.
“Kiro... Are you feeling alright?” I asked nervously
“Yes, yes, I’m fine.” He shrugged my concern off
“No, seriously, are you okay?” I persisted
“Yes.” He replied dully
I sighed. This wasn’t going to get me anywhere.
“Kiro, please” I pleaded
“I am FINE” he insisted
“Kiro, I can see it in your eyes”
“See what? Stop pestering me for Christ’s sake. Nayla, go away” he growled
“But Kiro...” I whined
“Get LOST!” he was yelling now
“Fine. See you later, Kristian!” I spat, and then I left his room in a huff
Back to the elevator. I decided to see if either Shin or Yu knew what was up. Going up to the fifth floor, Yu’s apartment. I stepped out of the elevator, and then knocked on his door.
“Yu, hello?!” I called
Yu loved visitors... But he wasn’t answering, so perhaps he was out.
Shin next.
I caught the elevator to the sixth floor.
Knocking on the door, Shin opened it instantly.
His green eyes were sparkling with happiness, and his platinum-blonde hair was cut into razor layers.
“When’d you get that done?” I asked, running a hand through his choppy hair
“Yesterday afternoon. You like it?” he grinned
“Like? No, I love it!” I squealed
“Ah, I love you!” he hugged me tightly
“I love you too, Shin” I laughed, hugging him back
We were like brother and sister, honestly.
“Come in” he smiled
He stepped aside so I could enter the hallway. I then made my way to the lounge and flopped down on the couch.
“How come you’re not with Kiro?” he asked, falling down beside me
“That’s the problem” I could feel my face darkening
“Oh... What’s wrong, Nayla?” he reached over and gave me a quick hug
“I’m not sure, but there is something wrong with Kiro. He just seems so depressed, and he wouldn’t tell me anything” a tear escaped the corner of my eye
“Depressed?” Shin caught the tear on his index finger and flicked it away
“Yeah. I don’t know what’s wrong. I tried asking Yu, but he wasn’t home”
“Oh, mm. Yu is out grocery shopping”
That would be why he didn’t answer his door.
“Do you think he would know?” I asked
“He might” Shin looked thoughtful
“How about we try calling him?”
Shin went over to the phone and dialled Yu’s number. After a few minutes of talking, he hung up.
“Yu says he doesn’t know what’s wrong, but he’d noticed Kiro’s change in moods too. If anything happens, or if he finds anything out, he’s promised to call either me or you.” Shin nodded, returning to sitting next to me
“I hope he’s okay,” I sighed, “I would die if he wasn’t”
“Oh Nayla...” Shin wrapped his arms around me and rocked me back and forth while I cried
“Ah, look at me. Crying for no reason...” I sniffed into his shirt
“No, you love Kiro, and I can imagine it would hurt you to see him so uncharacteristically unhappy” Shin crooned
We sat in silence for awhile, Shin rocking me back and forth, me silently sniffing.
Suddenly, my mobile began to buzz. I looked at the caller ID and it read: Yu mobile
Sliding it upwards, I answered.
“Where are you Nay?” he sounded worried
“Shin’s apartment, why?”
Shin shot me a concerned glance.
“Good, you’re already at the top. You need to get out onto the roof now!”
“Why?” my heart began to pound
“Kiro’s up there. I’m standing in the street in front of the apartment block, and I can see Kiro pacing back and forth”
“Cripes” I shot out of Shin’s arms
“Get up there now, girl!” Yu yelled
“Gone” I replied, closing the phone
“Nayla, what’s going on?” Shin looked at me
“Get onto the street, Yu’s down there” I replied, rushing out to the elevator
“Wait!” he called, rushing after me
“Go!” I pressed the ‘Roof’ button on the elevator keypad
“Nay!” Shin jumped into the elevator and pressed ‘Floor’
“No time to think!” I groaned
“What’s going on?”
“It’s Kiro. He’s on the roof!” I squealed
“Oh shit” Shin stared at the floor
“I need to be with him. You go to the street. Yu’s down there”
The elevator opened and I rushed out.
“Good luck!” Shin called as the doors closed
“I’ll need it” I murmured to myself
I ran down the narrow hall to the door which opened onto the roof.
Upon flinging the door open, my eyes set on Kiro, who was still pacing across the roof.
His gaze met mine for a few seconds, and then he looked away.
“Just can’t leave me alone, can you?” he muttered
“Not when you’re pacing back and forth on the roof, I can’t”
“What’s it to you?” he shot, his eyes meeting mine yet again in anger
“You have no idea...” I replied
“Sure” he shrugged sarcastically and gazed over the edge, out at the city
“You really couldn’t care less about me, could you?”
“Not at the moment, no” his voice was cold
“Kiro...” I ran up to the edge of the building
“Get lost.” He turned his back on me
“Kiro, I have to tell you something...”
I needed to tell him how I felt now, or I might never get the chance.
“Nayla, get lost” he turned around quickly to face me
In his sudden movement, I lost my footing.
“KIRO!” I screamed as I backed over the edge
I watched him as I plummeted backwards.
He screamed at what looked like the top of his lungs and clenched his fists. First he hunched forwards, eyes closed tightly, then snapped backwards. As he snapped back, I saw the most amazing thing I had ever seen; a pair of white, glimmering wings unfurled from his back, tearing through his shirt. He then dove off the edge of the building, arms outstretched and reaching for me. In seconds, he had wrapped his arms around me and put his body behind mine to break the fall.
I thought that perhaps his wings would break the fall, but I was soon to learn.
We crashed to the ground, and I heard a sickening crack as I fell back onto him. His arms limply fell to his side, and I jumped up immediately. Yu and Shin came rushing to our side.
“Nayla! Are you okay?” Shin encased me in a hug, while Yu dropped to his knees beside Kiro
“I... I don’t know.” I stammered
I twisted around in Shin’s grip and looked at Kiro, expecting to see a pair of wings protruding from his back. But... They weren’t there. The only evidence that I hadn’t been seeing things was a few white feathers scattered around Kiro.
“He’s still breathing, at least” Yu began feeling his wrist for a pulse
“Yippee” I whispered
“Hello, what do we have here? Looks like Kiro hasn’t been dealing with anything properly for a while” a frown crossed Yu’s face
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Shin asked
“Look.” Yu flipped Kiro’s arm over to reveal several cuts and scars
“How come I never realised them before? I’m always with Kiro.” I couldn’t understand
“Because... He’s chosen a great time. Haven’t you noticed its fall? Therefore, he has an excuse to wear a jacket” Yu pointed out
“Yes, but he was in his boxers this morning, yet I still didn’t notice” I groaned
“Ooh, Kiro was in his boxers?” Yu laughed to himself
Sometimes I wondered if Yu didn’t have a crush on Kiro himself. He sure acted like it at times.
“I’m going to call Lumi, Romeo and Strify” Shin let me go
“And an ambulance”
“Good idea” Shin walked off a little way so he could get better reception on his mobile
“Yu? If I tell you something, will you promise to not call me insane or laugh at me?” I asked, watching Yu check Kiro’s body slowly for injuries
“Mhmm...” came the half-hearted reply
“Did you see... well, wings burst from Kiro’s back before he jumped after me?”
Yu looked up at me slowly.
“So I’m not the only one that saw them then?”
“Okay, good, I’m not crazy”
“I never said you weren’t crazy, I just said that I saw them too”
“Your point?”
“Maybe we’re both crazy?”
“No... He had wings.” I replied
Shin sprinted back.
“Okay, the guys are on their way, and so is an ambulance” he informed us
“Good” I nodded
“Hey, Nayla...?” Shin asked slowly
“You were watching Kiro the entire time, right?”
“Did it look like he grew... Wings when he jumped off the building to you?”
“See Yu,” I turned and looked at Yu, “We’re not crazy. That’s three of us.”
“Yu saw it too?” Shin sounded incredulous
“Yeah. So it’s official; Kiro has wings” I declared
Then he began to cough.
“Kiro!” I knelt next to him
He just continued to cough. Blood began to accompany the coughing and spattered on my clothes, Yu’s clothes and Kiro’s clothes.
Minutes later we were joined by Strify, Lumi and Romeo.
“Is he allright?!” Strify flung himself to the ground next to me
“He’s been coughing up blood. We’re too scared to move him in case it hurts his back” Yu informed him
Then the ambulance screamed to a stop next to us.
Two men jumped out and opened the back. They pulled a gurney out and a few other things, and then rushed to our side.
“What happened?” asked one officer
“He jumped off that building” Yu pointed up at the apartment block
“Whoa...” Romeo muttered
“And he’s still alive?!” Strify asked
Then he opened his eyes.
“Kiro!” I looked at him
“Oww.” was his reply.
“Okay, we’ll need to take him to hospital and check him out thoroughly.” Said one of the officers.
“Two of you can come in the ambulance with us.” Stated the other.
We all looked at each other.
“Nayla, you go.” Shin decided.
“And Shin, you should go too.” Strify nodded
“What about me?” Yu asked
“You can come with us.” Romeo nodded.
“Okay, come on.” The officers proceeded to get Kiro safely onto the gurney, then Shin and I hopped in after them.
The doors slammed behind us.
“Kiro... Why?” I murmured, tears coming to my eyes
“Nayla...” Shin sighed, putting his arms around me
Kiro blinked, and then looked at us.
“Oh Kiro.” I reached out and took his hand.
His grip tightened in mine.
“Nayla... Are...you...okay?” he rasped, then began to cough
“Yes, I am fine. You saved me.”
Shin let go of me slightly.
A smile spread across Kiro’s small face. It reached his eyes, and I saw that mischievous glint and energetic sparkle return.
“Good. I... didn’t... mean... to... push... you... off...” the rasping sounded horrible
“I know, but you saved me, and that’s why we’re here. Please stop talking, that rasping is scaring me.” I tried to smile
Kiro just nodded, then lifted his hand to my face, and rested his palm on my cheek.
Then we were in silence, which didn’t break until we arrived at the hospital.
The ambulance officers ushered us out and told us to go sit in the waiting room.
“Any news?” Yu ran in, followed by Strify, Luminor and Romeo
“We only just got here.” Shin replied.
Time ticked by as we waited. It seemed to take too long, and I was sure that Kiro was dead or dying.
“Oh Shin, do you think he’ll be okay?” I asked, almost crying
“Yes, Nayla, he’ll be allright.” Shin took my hand in his.
More time passed in silence. I wondered what was taking so long.
I reminded myself that he had fallen off a building, and that may be a good excuse to take a long time in a hospital.
“Are you all friends and family of Kristian?” asked a nurse, coming out of a hallway.
“Friends, yes. Why?” Strify asked
Always the voice of the band.
“You may now see him. One at a time.” She nodded, smiled, then turned and left.
“Who’s going first?” I asked
“How about Nayla?” Shin turned and looked at everyone
“Sure.” Everyone agreed.
I went down the hall, looking into each room, desperate to find Kiro. Finally, my gaze landed upon him. I walked in slowly, afraid of what I might see.
“This is so demented.” He had an unimpressed look on his face.
I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Ah, Kiro. Remember, this is your fault. You were the one on the roof.”
His neck was in a brace, and I suspected that was what may have made the ‘crack’ noise when we hit the ground. He wore a breathing mask, and was hooked up to an IV, a heart rate monitor and a catheter.
“Why were you up there?” I couldn’t help but ask.
“Because... You’ll just laugh...”
“No I won’t, I promise.”
He took a death breath.
“Okay... Nayla, I really, really like you, but you like Shin... I keep telling myself that I should want what you want, and I felt so bad for liking you, because I know that I really shouldn’t...” he began to ramble on.
I sat and listened to him tell me about how his feelings for me had developed, and how bad he had felt, and so on and so forth. Finally, I couldn’t stand it anymore.
“KIRO!” I yelled.
“Yes?” he stopped talking.
“Remember how on top of the building, I told you that I needed to tell you something?”
“Well, what I was going to tell you, before you oh so kindly knocked me off the building, was that I loved you.”
“You... what?”
“Kiro, I’m in love with you.”
“But Shin?”
“Has been my best friend since I was like... five or something.”
“Oh.” Kiro went quiet.
“I should’ve told you earlier, but I didn’t think that you liked me.”
I just laughed.
Kiro just looked at me.
“Hey, Kiro?”
“Close your eyes a second, would you?”
“Umm... O-kay?”
He closed his eyes. Now I could do something that I had wanted to do for too long. I took off the breathing mask, then leaned down slowly and put my lips on his. I could feel him smile, then kiss me back. When I drew back, I replaced the breathing mask on his face.
He coughed a little, but grinned.
“Now, that has got to be the best medicine ever.”
“What? Getting kissed?”
“No, getting kissed by the girl of your dreams.”
I smiled widely.
“The girl of your dreams?”
“Well, I have been dreaming about you... Does that count?”
“Yes, I suppose it does.”
He reached up and laid his hand yet again on my cheek.
“So warm...”
I put my hand on top of his.
“I love you Kiro. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you earlier.”
“At least I know, I mean at least I’m not dead.”
“Yes. Promise me you won’t ever do that again!”
“Never.” He smiled
Then the room went silent. I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I began to study the shape his body was in, and the machines around him. Finally, my eyes locked upon a bandage wrapped around his skinny torso.
“What’s with that?”
Then I remembered something from earlier.
“Tell me... Why did you have wings?”
“What? Wings? Nonsense!”
“Liar. Shin, Yu and I all saw them. They’ll ask about them too.”
Kiro sighed.
“I... I haven’t had them for that long, I swear... I’m still getting used to them. I don’t know how to fly with them, and they vanish the second they touch anything.”
“Do they... hurt when they grow?”
“Yes... It’s like a pair of knives, so sudden, so sharp. As soon as they finish growing, it’s like the pain was never there. So weird.”
“That sounds so annoying.”
“Mmm, and I can’t control their appearance. I don’t get it, really. They’ve only started appearing recently. But... I... I feel like some sort of guardian angel... It’s stupid really...”
“Well... You’re my guardian angel. Today is proof. The wings appeared when I fell, and then you saved me.”
“True.” He nodded
“Kiro, the guardian angel. Has a ring to it, don’t you think?”
“Haha, not really...”
Then all was silent.
“This sucks...” he frowned
“What does?” I wondered what he had decided sucked
“I gotta pee...” his expression twisted.
“You’re on a catheter though.” I pointed out.
“You know how embarrassing that is?” he pouted.
“Well, you’re on a catheter for a reason. Obviously with your neck, you’re not meant to get up and move around, so... Enjoy!” I grinned
“That is so not fair.”
I moved around the bed, following the small tube from the catheter for amusement.
“What are you doing?” he cocked his head, watching me move.
“Looking for the end of the catheter.” I laughed
He sucked his cheeks in.
“It’s inside my damned dick.”
“Umm, not that end, Kristian!” I giggled some more
“Oh. Why the hell are you looking for that?!”
“Honestly? I don’t know. So that I can laugh at you?”
“Oh, that is so mean. I feel so unloved.” He pouted again.
“Aww...” I crossed the side of the bed and sat beside him.
“Yeah, that’s right...OW!” he attempted to turn his head to the side
“You okay?”
“Oww...” he moaned
Then I spotted the other end of the catheter.
“Oh! There it is!” I pointed and grinned at it
“Oh good grief... Nayla...” he sighed
“Aww... I’m sorry Kiro. Forgive me?” I gave him the puppy-dog eyes.
“How could I not?” he smiled weakly.
“Kiro... are you okay? Please tell me the truth this time...”
“I still need to pee...”
“Is that the only problem?”
“Kristian, you are catheterised, you shouldn’t have to worry!”
“But damn it, it’s embarrassing!”
I shook my head.
“You are ridiculous, Kristian. Just give up. You’ll have to later anyway.” I stuck out my tongue.
He frowned at this idea.
“Can we change the topic?”
“To what, exactly?”
“I don’t know. Anything that isn’t this?”
“Like what?”
“Argh! I don’t know!”
Again, silence.
I returned to looking at the shape Kiro’s body was in. My eyes again locked on the bandage wrapped around his torso.
“Kiro, what is that bandage for?”
“In my back... There are or were, I’m not sure which, two gaping holes where my wings came from. It’s really weird, because they’ve never left any physical proof of their existence before.”
“That is a tad weird...” was my reply.
“Mmm, oh well.”
“Hey, I hate to say it, but I’m pretty sure that Yu is crapping himself waiting for me to leave you alone so he can see you. I have no idea why, but he seemed pretty anxious.”
Kiro just laughed.
“You might as well send him in. See you, love you, Nayla.” Kiro grinned under the breathing mask.
I planted a kiss on his forehead before leaving the room.
I almost skipped down the hall. As soon as I presented myself at the door, Yu perked up.
“Go on.” I laughed, and Yu got up and walked towards me.
“He okay?”
“Yeah, he’s going to live.” I smiled.
“Ahh, nice.” he walked down the corridor.
I returned to sitting with everyone else.
We all sat and talked quietly.
When Yu returned, we were surprised to see him with a girl.
She looked to be my age, black hair with electric-blue streaks, amazing green eyes, and she was also stick-thin.
“Hey, guys, this is Aimee.” Yu grinned at her.
She only blushed in reply.
“Hey Aimee, I’m Nayla.” I went over to her.
“Hey.” She said shyly.
She was wearing a nurse’s uniform, or perhaps she was a nurse’s assistant.
“So, you’re all here because of Kiro?” she asked.
“Yeah.” I replied.
“Wow, I’ve heard about you guys, but I never thought I’d ever meet you.” She looked at all of us.
“It’s nice to meet you, Aimee.” I smiled.
“Yu’s hot, don’t you think?” she looked over her shoulder at him, and he wagged his eyebrows at her.
“Ah, he’s okay. I love Kiro though. Yu’s a bit of a flirt.”
She giggled.
“Oh! I had better get back to work. Talk later?” she looked into my eyes.
She nodded at Yu, before hurrying down the corridor.
“She’s really pretty.” Yu came over to me.
We returned to the seats, and Strify got up to go see Kiro.
“Yeah, she is. How’d you meet her?”
“Walking down the corridor. I walked into her accidentally. She apologised so many times. I think she’s nice.”
“You’d better go get her number off her before we leave. Then you can contact her.” I smiled.
“Yeah, good idea. I’d like to get to know her better.” He seemed sort of dazed.
“I know you would.” I giggled on the inside.
Yu was so cute. I could tell that he liked this Aimee girl. No matter how much he wanted to hide it, I could see right through his walls. One of the advantages to being one of his best friends.
Time ticked by tediously as we waited for everyone to go in and talk to Kiro. I wondered how he was going now? Maybe I would go in and see him before we left.
When the last person had finally gone in and come out, I asked nicely if I could see Kiro once more. Shin, being the awesome guy he was, agreed for everyone.
I skipped down the hall, running into Aimee.
“Ah, hey, Aimee, wasn’t it?”
“Go talk to Yu. He wants your number. I think he likes you.” I smiled at her.
She blushed profusely.
She ran down the hall.
Yay! I like playing matchmaker!
I went into Kiro’s room.
He was staring at the ceiling.
I noticed that the bottle end of the catheter was full.
“Baha, used the catheter now, did we?” I laughed.
“Oh, go away. I didn’t want to, but this damned neck brace doesn’t give me much of a choice, now does it?” he moaned.
“Ah, cute, little, overdramatic Kiro.” I kissed his forehead.
“I’m not little.” He protested.
“Mhmm, that’s what they all say.”
He sighed.
“When do you think they’ll let me out?”
“I have no idea. Once your neck is healed, perhaps?”
“I hope so.”
“I can’t wait until you’re out.”
“Neither can I. Then I can ask you out, and take you on a proper date.” He grinned.
“Kiro, did you just indirectly ask me out?” I smiled to myself.
“Why yes, Nayla, I did. You’re quite quick on the uptake, aren’t you?” he grinned.
Then a doctor walked in.
“I’m quite sorry, but the visiting time for Kristian is over. You may come back tomorrow.” The doctor was older, and had a sweet look to her face.
“Are you Kiro’s doctor?” I asked.
“May I speak with you outside?”
“May I have one kiss before she leaves?” Kiro butted in.
“She your girlfriend?” the doctor turned to face him.
“Not yet, she isn’t.” He grinned.
“Go on, while I’m not looking.”
I rushed to Kiro and took off the breathing mask, placing my lips gently on Kiro’s once more. This kiss was a little more passionate. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip, begging for entrance.
Haha, that can wait until he gets better!
I drew away, breathing shallowly.
“That, my friend, can wait until you’re out of here.” I grinned cheekily.
“No fair.” He coughed.
I replaced the breathing mask on his face, then backed away a little.
“No fair.” He repeated.
“Too bad. See you, Kiro.” I poked out my tongue.
“Come on.” The doctor urged.
I stepped outside the room, and she followed me, closing the door behind me.
“What’s the verdict on his injuries?” I asked
“Fractured neck, and that’s about it. He’s extremely lucky to be alive.”
“Ah... And how long will he be in here?”
“My best guesstimate is... About a month.”
“Damn. That’s a long time.”
“Well, he did fracture his neck.”
“Good point.” I grinned.
“I’ll be seeing you soon, I assume?”
“Yes. Until Kiro gets out.” I agreed.
“Okay then. Goodbye miss.” She smiled.
I ran down the corridor and burst into the waiting room.
Yu and Aimee were talking to each other, while the boys were huddled together. Knowing them, they were taking bets on how long until Yu asked Aimee out.
I shook my head. How predictable.
“Okay, let’s go.” I grinned.
We all exited the hospital. I felt a lot happier than I had in a long while.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this several years back... Apologies if the writing isn't that great.