A Series of Cinema Bizarre Events

Shin; The First Gay Feelings

“I’m sorry, what?” This was definitely hard to comprehend.
I was fingering the edges of my gloves nervously. Had I even heard him right? I probably hadn’t.
He looked down, his platinum blonde and brown streaked hair falling in front of his face.
“No, I honestly didn’t hear it. Could you please repeat that?” I needed to be sure.
“Strify...” he took a deep breath, “I really, really like you. I know it’s weird, because I’m like, the straight one and all, but I do really like you and I can’t help it. I thought I would tell you, because you deserve to know.” He babbled, obviously quite nervous too.
“Shin, Shin...” I put a hand on his shoulder.
We were standing in my apartment, and Shin had unexpectedly burst in a few seconds ago.
He lifted his head. Tears of embarrassment were streaking down his cheeks.
Unable to hold my ‘together’ demeanour, I cupped my hands behind his head and brought his face to mine. Our lips touched, and a warm desire flowed through me. I hadn’t felt this right for a long time. I could also feel his tears running onto my cheeks.
I slowly drew back, opening my eyes. His remained closed, and a tiny smile sat on his lips. The tears were still falling steadily down those soft, pretty cheeks. I kissed them away.
“I like you too, Shin.” Was all I could remember how to say.
His eyes fluttered open.
“Y-y-you do?” he sniffed.
“Yes. I have for a while, but I didn’t want to say anything, you know, you being the straight one and all.”
“Yes. That makes sense.” Little lights seemed to flicker on inside his eyes.
I took his bare hand in my gloved one, and interlocked our fingers.
He shyly looked into my eyes. I could see how much this scared him. Of course, because he had been straight all his life, this would be new to him.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’ll keep you safe. Don’t worry.” I smiled reassuringly.
“But the others. Kiro and Romeo and Yu and Nayla and Aimee and Luminor. What will they think?”
“I don’t know. Perhaps we’d better not tell them? Look, we’re going on tour in a few days, maybe we’ll get some time to talk this over then?”
“Yes. But we can still be together?”
“Of course.”
The smile that lit-up his face was amazing. I didn’t think that I had ever seen him smile like that, in all the time that I had known him.
His skinny figure towered above me. The youngest and tallest in the band. Unless you counted Luminor. He was about a head taller than Shin, and man could Lumi be intimidating!
“I should go back to my flat now... I think I’m missing a new episode of SpongeBob Squarepants.”
“Sure. Feel free to come back at any time. I’d love to have you here more often, and I mean that.”
He nervously bent down and locked our lips once again.
“See you later, Strify.” He smiled, then left.
I smiled to myself.
Maybe, just maybe, we could make this work.

*A few days later*

I threw all my luggage into the small cupboard that I would be sharing with the guys for the next few months. We were now going on tour! I had been thinking about Shin an awful lot, but as we were both terribly busy, I hadn’t the chance to talk to him yet. But the more I thought about him, the more I wanted him.
“Shoddy this bunk!” Yu threw himself into the middle bunk on the right hand side of the small bunkroom.
“I shoddy it too!” Aimee grinned, sitting next to him.
“Me wants this bunk!” Shin jumped up and onto the top bunk of the left hand side.
“I wants the one under Shin!” I smiled at him.
He began to blush, and turned away.
Aww, how cute!
“My bunk.” Romeo climbed up and onto the top right hand bunk.
“I suppose that leaves me and Nayla with this one.” Kiro took Nayla’s hand, and they fell back onto the bottom bunk on the right hand side.
“And I’ll take this one.” Lumi knelt down to the bunk under mine.
“Sweet. Now that’s all sorted. I suppose we go and tell them that we’re ready to hit the road.” Kiro smiled.
“Yeah. Let’s get started!” I grinned.
Kiro left the room to inform the bus driver that we were ready to leave. A few minutes later, the bus lurched to a start. Yay!
We spent the next hour discussing what we thought the tour would be like, then we finally tired of talking.
“Wanna watch a movie?” Luminor asked.
“Why, did you bring some DVD’s or something?” Yu replied.
“Yeah, I have some of our favourites.”
Luminor proceeded to flick through a bag that was sitting on the end of his bunk, the produced a Dragon Ball Z DVD.
“Dragon Ball!” Yu grinned widely.
“Aww, I watched it the other day... I think I’ll read a book.” Romeo groaned.
We all went out to the small living quarters. Luminor set up the DVD, then we all sat back to watch, except for Romeo, who was half watching, half reading. I found myself sitting side by side with Shin. One thing that annoyed me was, that while watching the movie, I found my thoughts drifting to the man sitting beside me. I knew how much I needed to talk with him.
Finally, unable to bear it any longer (and during one of my favourite fight scenes at that!), I stood, then tapped Shin on the shoulder and walked into the bunkroom.
“Yes?” he asked when we got out of the earshot of the others.
“Well... Look, I’ve been thinking about us since you told me that you liked me...” I looked at him.
I could see his eyes fill with question, and fear of rejection.
“No, this isn’t bad, Shin.” I reassured him.
The fear dulled a little, but not completely.
“I think we can make it work. We’d have to be careful, but I know how much I want it.” I smiled.
“Yee!” Shin squealed, jumped up and down, then locked his lips onto mine playfully.
I giggled into the kiss, which made him smile. In fun, he whispered ‘chase me’, and then got up onto his bunk. It took me a few tries, but I finally managed. We interlocked our fingers, and I pressed my lips to his again, more passionately. We broke apart, and I could see the smile in his eyes. We kissed again, and again, until I slowly laid him down. His head hit the pillow, and I teased his body with my fingers. From previous girl and boyfriends, I knew exactly where to run my fingers. He began to tease me too, then slowly removed my shirt. Once he had it over my head, I dropped my lips to his again. He tasted good, better than anything I’d ever had. I knew how this would end, and I knew that it was how I wanted it. I ran my hands down his sides, then teased his shirt up, lightly tickling his pale skin with my fingertips. He shuddered, a soft smile settling on his lips. I sat back and removed my shoes, then my socks, and he did likewise. When I came forward again, I teased my fingers around his pants’ hipline. Slowly, I could see him go hard. Gingerly, he unzipped my jeans, and I assisted him in removing them. I removed his jeans as well. Then finally, two pairs of boxers were thrown to the floor. I pressed my body against his, and I could feel him shaking ever so slightly.
“Anything wrong, babe?” I breathed in his ear.
“I’m a virgin.” He admitted.
I could tell it took him courage to admit to this.
“Don’t worry, I’ll do the hard part.” I grinned, then kissed him again playfully.
His shaking stopped, and I knew that he wanted this, and was as ready for this as I was.

*Romeo’s P.O.V.*

My eyes were fixed on the TV screen. Then I heard something.
“Guys.” I hushed everyone, then muted the TV.
They heard it too.
“What the hell?”
“Shin and Strify are gone.”
“You, stay here. I’ll go find out what’s going on.” I put down the book that I had stopped reading ages ago, and went quietly into the bedroom.
Strify was on top of Shin, going in and out. Holy shit!!! Gay, kinky, butt sex between band members? A must see! I ran out to the living room.
“Guy’s, you gotta see this, but be quiet so that they don’t know!” I grinned.
Everyone got up, and followed me into the bedroom. I got onto my bunk, accompanied by Luminor, while Yu and Aimee were on their bunk, and Kiro and Nayla took to their bunk. Strify and Shin continued to go at it, until Shin climaxed. His groans and screams of pleasure made me feel like laughing. When he calmed, Strify suggested they swap, and for fun, Shin decided to give Strify head. This was like a movie, seriously. Where’s the popcorn when you need it? Strify was beginning to climax when the tour bus hit a bump. The two fell off the bunk, and hit the floor. Shin instantly opened his mouth, and Strify’s eyes grew wide.
“HOLY MOTHER FUCKER! OWW!” Strify cupped his hands over his dick.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” Shin moaned.
“Ahem.” Nayla coughed, to alert them to our presence.
Slowly, the two lifted their eyes to us, then began to quickly grope for clothes.
“Ew. Shin, aren’t you straight?” I looked at him.
“GO SHIN!” Luminor cheered.
“NEVER let me catch you two doing that again.” Yu laughed.
Aimee began to laugh hysterically at this. Or maybe it was just the situation. Either way, she fell off the bunk and landed her nose next to Shin’s exposed arse.
“Argh, eww! Arse crack!” she squealed.
“Ooh, Aimee’s on drugs!” Kiro laughed.
“She’s doing crack!”
We all burst into laughter. Because we’re all funny people, we kept the jokes coming (except for Lumi, who seemed genuinely proud of Shin), until I noticed the tears in Shin’s eyes.
“Guys, stop.” Yu had noticed them too.
Silence fell over the group.
“I’m sorry...” I half groaned, then leapt down from my bunk, slipping and accidentally smushing Strify’s nuts into the floor with my foot.
He bit down on his lip hard. I left the room, slowly followed by Aimee, Nayla, Kiro, Yu and finally, Lumi (who had stopped to congratulate Shin again).

*Strify’s P.O.V.*

Shin just stared at the floor. I could see those tears of humiliation and fear building up. Slowly, I reached over and put the palm of my hand on his cheek.
“You okay?”
He shook his head, one of the tears breaking loose and rolling slowly down his cheek. It almost killed me to see him like this. I pulled his naked body close to mine.
“It’ll be allright. Don’t forget, I love you.” I whispered in his ear, then kissed his cheek.
He buried his face in my shoulder and broke down. I could feel the built up tears rolling freely down my bare skin. All I could do was hold him in my arms. Finally, his tears slowed, and he lifted his face.
“What do we do?” he asked quietly.
“Well, with any luck, the others won’t peruse the topic. Except perhaps Lumi. He seems to be euphoric that you’re not completely straight... But yeah. Don’t worry, I love you, I need you, I’ll take care of you.” I nodded.
He sniffed and nodded in reply.
“I love you too, Sebastian.” He whispered, facing the floor.
I ran my finger under his jaw line, bringing his face upwards, then when he was facing me, I put my lips on his. He cupped my face in his hands, and fiddled with my lip piercing with his tongue. We sat on the floor like that for a while, before finally breaking apart the put on clothes. When we emerged, I intertwined my fingers with his.
“So... umm... Anything you want to tell us?” Nayla asked softly.
Shin looked down.
“We’re... we’re together. Strify and I. We’re together.” He almost whispered.
“That’s so cute. I’m so happy for you two!” she beamed.
Nayla and Shin were quite honestly the best of friends. I had never met a pair who were closer.
“Thanks.” He raised his head and smiled.
The general consensus thought that Shin and I were cute together, which made Shin happy. And as long as Shin’s happy, so am I.
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Lol oh man~ I forgot what this story was like...