Peace, Love and Jonas


~LAURENS P.O.V~ <br>
Whoa I never meant to brag but I got him where I want him now.. <br>
"What the hell?" asked Kelsey Thompson, one of my two best friends. <br>
The sound of misery buisness kept playing. My other best friend, glared at the ceiling. <br>
"Whoever you are, TURN DOWN THE GOD DAMN MUSIC!" she yelled poking the ceiling with a broom handle. The music got louder. <br>
"That's it!" I yelled. Seizing my best friends arms, I dragged them upstairs and we stood in front of room 356, in our pajamas. We knocked loudly a few times. The music stopped. I folded my arms as the door opened. <br>
"Oh-" Lia gasped. <br>
"My-" Kelsey Whispered. <br>
"Jonas!" I breathed. <br>
Joe Jonas stood there, staring at us. <br>
"Can I help you?" he asked. <br>
"Uh, 'scuse us for a second." <br>
"That's the.. Oh my gosh!" said Kelsey excitedly. <br>
"No, it can't be..I"Lia said, wide eyed. I closed the door and we squealed quietly. Then we put on our mad faces anmd opened the door again, to see all three of them.<br>
"Listen, we've flown 6 hours from home, so we're kina jet-lagged. So can you shut off your music?" I asked. <br>
Suprised by my outburst, Nick nodded. <br>
"Sorry." he said, locking his eyes with mine. <br>
"Good." Kelsey said as we closed the door. <br>
"Oh my god!" I laughed as we went back into our appartment. <br>
~Joe's P.O.V~ <br>
"Did that just happen?" I asked my brothers. <br>
"Did three incredibly gorgous girls just show up in pajamas? Yeah dude. It happened." Kevin grinned <br>
"I feel kinda bad..." Nick muttered. <br>
"You would. The sensitive one." I laughed. <br>
~AMELIA'S P.O.V~ <br>
I glared up at the ceiling. OF COURSE! As soon as we get back to our new home with a 5-hour time difference, the ignorant pigs above us have their music on bust! <br>
"WHOEVER YOU ARE-" *I don't really care* I thought "TURN DOWN THE GOD DAMN MUSIC!"* Gee, wouldn't it be crazy if that was some famous family? I wonder if they'd have a cute older guy... That would be good, just as long as no one else would fall for him. That would be perfect.* <br>
Not so perfect, because whoever those ignorant pigs are turned up the music. Lauren was obviously as mad as I was, considering the ride over. This could onnly top it off. <br>
Lauren got up off the floor and dragged Kelsey and I with her. The next thing I knew, we were facing appt #356. *hmm, I wonder if I were to add up the didgets would I come up with some freaky destiny number? 3+5+6=14. Nope, didn't think so.* <br>
Lo knocked on the door, and quickly enough it opened with a smirking face of the ignorant... Jonas brother!? Yeah..that would be perfect. <br>
~KELSEY'S P.O.V~ <br>
*greeat! I just got off of a 5 hour plane ride from Newfoundland to California just to put up with a loud asshole in the appartment above us?! What agreat welcome to our new home...NOT!* <br>
Lia tried desperatly to bang on the ceiling with a broom to try to get the music to stop. But she never had any luck as the music just got louder. <br>
I could clearly see the look of anger growing on Lauren's face as she quickly grabbed me and Lia by the arm and before I knew it, I was standing outside appt #356 ready to dig into the inconsiderate asshole at the other side of the door. I glanced down as Lauren pounded on the door and noticed Lia counting on her fingers; I bet she is having a nerdy 'Lia moment' and is probably doing math equations in her head for fun. <br>
It wasn't long before the asshole in room 356 finally opened the door. I couldn't believe my eyes! Standing before us was the one, the only; Joe Jonas! With a shocked expression on her face, Lauren closed the door as we all had a little 'squealy momen'. Wow... our inconsiderant asshole turned out to be a hot inconsiderant asshole! We put on our mad faces again and opened the door just to see all three Jonas Brothers standing before us. <br>
Make that three hot inconsiderate asshole...
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Hey , this is the first real chapter, I know its starting out pretty slow, but it picks up speed soon , and it's going to be a load of fun to read! Please rate ; message and or subscribe, I know you'll love this series if you stick around.

Amelia Brady,

Lauren Gray

& Kelsey Thompson.