Status: On-Going

Lost and Found


December 17, 2008.

“Would you stop and listen for just a second?”
“I-I love you,” Averian whispered, heartbroken. Red hair stuck to her face, her cheeks tear streaked. “Please don’t do this to me.”
Jason clenched his fists, and stared at the sky for a brief second, wondering, why, God, why? “Averian,” he snapped, snapping his fingers in front of her face. “I love you, I do. However, I cannot handle your BS anymore. Vampires do not exist. Okay?”
“I don’t believe you…”
“What part don’t you believe, Averian?”
“I don’t understand any of it. You do not love me, and vampires exist! If you loved me, you would not care about my beliefs. You would stick with me no matter what. That is what love does. It looks past the flaws of a person. But you do not love me!” Averian’s voice had risen to a shout at the ending, tears of fury welling into her eyes, stinging them.
“I will only stay with you if you give up your little fantasy world. Vampires don’t exist, and that is final!”
“Oh, they don’t?” an unknown voice called out, obviously amused. A man in all black jumped from the tree that he had been standing next to, and landed gracefully on his feet, a smirk on his lips. “If they don’t exist, then why am I about to kill you with my fangs?”
“Dude, get real. They’re obviously not real, and considering you’re on her side, I am going to guess that she hired you to do this.” Jason sighed. “What is she paying you? I’ll double it if you’ll tell her that vampires don’t exist.”
“If I said she wasn’t paying me shit, would you still double it? If I told you she was paying me a million dollars, what would you do? That’d be two million on your part, and I’d be three million dollars richer.”
Jason chuckled, only to stop once he realized the person was serious. “Seriously, dude? If your fangs are so real, then prove it.”
“I will kill you." Within a second, the man was on top of Jason, his fangs deep in his neck.
Averian’s eyes went wide with shock. “What? Stop! You’re going to kill him.”
The man pulled away, accidentally ripping a chunk of skin out of Jason’s neck. “Whoops.” Blood dripped from his chin, and the man easily scooped it up with his finger and put it in his mouth, licking the blood clean off it. “I thought you wanted to prove vampires existed? The only way was to bite him. But of course,” he sighed, “I’m still not full. You blood smells sweet…”
Averian backed away, hands immediately covering her neck. “You won’t touch me!”
“No? I am sorry, but you know, the neck is not the only place we bite. We bite wrists…even thighs.” He purred at the thought, eyes roaming her body. “You don’t have a single weapon on you. How on earth are you supposed to protect yourself from dear old me?”
“How do you know I don’t have a weapon?” Was that fear that laced her voice? It was.
“If you had a weapon, you would already be at my throat with it. By the way, sweetheart, your ex is dead.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, but then again, it's the prologue.
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