They Were Natural Born Enemies

The Beginning.

Lana was getting on the train at platform 9 3/4 and since her twin brother left to sit with a boy who helped them through to the platform, she sat in a cabin on her own. She was always Neglected as a child. Her parents always favoured him more than her. Which made her get seriously fragile. She didn't know love like he did. She couldn't trust, like he did. And she didn't make friends as easily as he did.

A Mysterious Looking boy walked into her cabin. She immediately snapped out of her daze when he asked her a question:

"Can I sit in here? The other cabins are taken.." He had really blonde hair, almost white. It draped over his eyes like curtains.

"Sure" She tried to avoid talking to him but he had to say something. Didn't he?

"I'm Draco Malfoy" He actually gave her a genuine smile and stuck his hand for her to shake it

"Lana P-" She didn't want to tell him her real name "Princeton, Lana Princeton" She returned the smile and pulled her hand back.

"So," More talking?! she thought to herself. "Are you a mudblood like half the people at hogwarts?" Fact is, She is a half-blood. And it hurt to hear him say it. She just shook her head and carried on looking out of the window. I can't believe he could be so low. I guess he's a pureblood then.

"Pureblood?" He asked. She just ignored him and he guessed she didn't hear him.

The train finally reached Hogwarts and Lana was sat in a boat with Draco. She did kinda like him. But that was beside the point. He offended her highly.

"So Lana, I hope we get into the same house. I think that'd be cool" The boat ride there was beautiful. Lights glistened on the water as it flowed gently. Before they knew it, the castle stood in front of their eyes. Everyone rushed inside and stood patiently outside of the Great Hall. There was commotion between Draco and Harry, But Lana shrugged it off. She didn't care. The doors opened and Lana gasped. They began walking down the middle, Everyone had their own little groups, except Lana. She was the odd one out. Until Draco whispered behind her,

"Good luck!"

That's all she needed. Luck. From him. They got to the front and a few names got called out before Lana's. One of those names being Draco. The Sorting hat didn't need to think about him. It spluttered out of the hats mouth almost automatically.

'Lana Potter' Professor McGonagall called out and everyone suddenly shut up. She walked up the steps and sat on the chair while the hat was placed on her head.

'Lana Potter eh? Any relation? Yes-" It prolonged the Yes

She looked around her with people whispering in each others ears. And caught Draco's eye. He looked at her with sadness in his eyes. Everything she said to him was lies. Her last name, her brother, her blood.


Draco frowned at her and slammed the table he was sat on. She felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, and another had been put on. She's the other Potter. The one no-one knew, the one who wasn't ever in the picture.
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This is in no-ones POV, Just a flashback, The rest will be shown from 3rd Person! Subscribe?:D