They Were Natural Born Enemies

Escaped with the skin of her teeth

She apparated to just outside the gates of Malfoy Manor. She didn't know what to do. Where to go. She knew she had to go back to school but she had no idea how. Plus the fact it was getting dark. She began wandering through the forest. With hope that she'd find atleast one thing to guide her back to Hogwarts. Then it clicked, she'd remembered that she didn't leave her Wand at the Manor, so she whipped it out and chanted her spell.

"Accio Nimbus 2000!"

She had to wait a while before it arrived, and it was still slightly dusty. As where her skills of riding a broom. But she managed to make it back to Hogwarts in one piece. She got her broom when she was 12. Draco had given it to her as a birthday present. She paced the halls looking for Draco, and the last place to look was the astronomy tower. She hated heights. Although she rid a broom fairly well. She just didn't like leaning over railings from a height either ground below, or water. One of the floorboards creaked as Lana slowly edged towards Draco. Who was leaning over the railing with his arms crossed. With his head turned towards her. She began walking closer to him, but he turned his attention back to the sky. She leaned against the wall, knowing full well that going next to him was out of bounds. No way could she even look below her.

"Draco," Her voice was pleading "Please, You know I don't like it up here" He didn't move an inch and she slumped down the wall slowly.

"He could have killed both of us. Why tell him that, Potter?" He began walking towards her and Her face dropped as he said her last name. She searched his face for answers to why he called her that, but it remained hardened.

"W-Why the last name?" Her eyes dotted over his face

"Because. I'm already too attached to you. I try to avoid it but I can't" The last sentence made his voice soften and he caressed her face with the back of his hands. She grabbed it and pulled it down, immediately his mouth opened.

"I don't want you to talk to me anymore Draco. I'm sorry" And with that she stood up, with her posture fully straight, Walking down the steps. Taking one last glance at him, Before carrying down the stairs.


Lana stepped into the common room and as soon as she did, Harry, Ron and Hermione were waiting for her. Harry Jumped to the door and pulled her into a hug. She felt like her bones were going to pop and he released her. Hermione was like a Mother figure to her, although they were the same age. So she gave her a loving hug. And Ron was last. She'd noticed that he'd grown slightly taller, which she never took notice to before. His hair flowed over his eyes and she wrapped her arms around his torso, breaking into tears. He didn't know what to do, he gave a what-is-going-on look to Harry. But you could almost see the steam coming out of his ears. He was Furious.

"I'M GONNA KILL MALFOY!" That made Lana jump up.

"No! Harry, It's not him!" She grabbed his wrist "Its Voldemort, I just can't forget the pain, the suffering he laid upon me. But I could have died, I realize that. And I'm not taking life for granted anymore. I'm going to actually try to talk to people and not be 'the girl sitting in a corner, reading a book' But I won't forget who I am in the process"

Oh, How wrong was she?
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It's been so longgggg! But mwhahahaa, I have a lot up my sleeve.