They Were Natural Born Enemies

Lumos Maxima

It was only when she was back in the Gryffindor common room did she realize she was dreaming. She had fallen asleep with Ron's arm still around her. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember who the persons voice was that pulled her back. She knew the voice all too well, but she couldn't grasp who it actually was. Ron stirred beside her and she couldn’t help but look at him and smile.

“Is there any reason why you’re staring at me Lana?” She jumped and slapped him on the chest

“It seems so my darling, that I can’t keep my eyes off of you. You’re just too irresistible!” She kept a straight face, until that moment. When she just burst out in tears laughing.

“I don’t need you to tell me that! You know what, I’m not even tired anymore”

“WHAT?! ARE MY EARS DECIEVING ME? DID RON WEASLEY JUST SAY HE WASN’T TIRED?!” She almost shouted but Ron put his hand over her mouth

“Shhh! You’ll wake everyone up!”

“What time is it anyway?” She was more asking herself the question rather than Ron “Oh my god! It’s 5 O’Clock!” Ron still laid back.

“That’s not that bad Allana” Why did he just call her that?

“In the afternoon Ron! We’ve slept through the whole day!”

“We’re gonna miss dinner!” He bolted out of the door dragging Lana with him

They opened the doors to the great hall laughing and holding hands. Everyone turned to look at them. They walked to Harry and Hermione who were lost in conversation and sat down. With everyone still looking at them.

“Harry, Why is everyone staring at us?”

“I think you’d better look in the mirror Ron” Hermione handed him a mirror and his jaw dropped as he saw the lipstick smudged near his lips.

“Allana! WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?!” near enough everyone in the great hall was staring at them, and his voice startled Lana.

“I-I don’t know! I wanted to see if the Ron that could take a joke was still there, but evidently not!” She got up and tried to walk away, but he grabbed her wrist pretty tightly. You could tell he was still angry.

“I’m sorry Allana”

“I’m going” She ripped her arm from his grasp and walked out. Looks like everyone will be talking about this for a while. Or not. It really pissed Lana off that Ron keeps calling her Allana.

She was about walking out of the doors and a few seconds later someone grabbed her wrist and twisted her around. Putting their hand over her mouth and pulling her into a classroom, which was pitch black.

“Petrificus Totalus!” She knew she had got her attacker when she heard a thud on the floor.

“Lumos Maxima!” She clapped a hand when she realized who it was

“Oh my god!”