They Were Natural Born Enemies

Crushed hearts and Broken Jaws

She stayed with him while he was out cold. But lit candles so they wasn't in complete darkness. She knew he could hear her so she decided to speak to him, holding his hand.

"I dont like staying away from you Draco, But we are meant to hate each other... I had a dream about you the other night. Funny, I was actually hoping it was real. But then I woke up, and I was lay with Ron. He keeps calling me Allana though. And its actually really annoying me, You know I only like you calling me it" She smiled to herself and squeezed his hand a bit tighter "The only reason I told you not to talk to me was because I know you're going to get hurt. Either he's going to find out, or he's going to kill me. I think I'd rather take that second option"

After about half an hour or so, he began to regain consciousness. She was looking at the way the candles flowed with the air, until she was snapped from her daydream when he spoke up.

"He's not going to kill you, Allana" She jolted her head to him, jumped on him and wrapped her arms around his neck

"I'm scared for you Draco, But I can't stay away from you" She pulled back and looked into his eyes "You've got to promise me something Draco" He was listening intently

"Please try as hard as you can to not think about me around him" He frowned at her

"And how do you expect me to do that when I think about you all the time?" Her heart fluttered when he said that, but she didn't let it show

"We're going to have to go soon, They're going to think I threw myself off the astronomy tower" She began to get up, but he pulled her back down

Draco slowly began leaning in for a kiss, but she refused. She tried her hardest not to, but it couldn't happen.

"I can't Draco, I have a boyfriend... " His face fell when he remembered about Ron

"Weasley? I'm better than him and you know that"

"Yes, you are. But he isn't serving the man who is trying to kill me" She smiled and finished her sentence "We'll see how me and Ron work out. But for now, we have to refrain from kissing. You can just kiss Pansy and imagine its me" She began taunting him

"She's not a good a kisser as you" He pouted and she squeezed his cheek like a mother and child.

"Come on Draco, I need to face Ron and Harry. I just don't know what to do anymore"

"Just meet me at the astronomy tower tomorrow at noon. If they ask you why, then say you're going to jump off it" He smiled and stood up, holding his hand out to help her up. She stood up and brushed some dust off her skirt.

Their faces were inches apart,

"You still need to tell me that dream" They smiled and she walked out before he did, so that they didn't look too suspicious.


Lana stepped into the common room and Ron was sat staring at the fire. She tried tiptoeing around him but it didn't work.

"Allana" She tried to calm herself when he said that, she was at boiling point.

"What Ron?" She stood with her arms crossed staring at him.

"I'm sorry! I was just annoyed in the great hall... Where have you been? I noticed Draco leaving straight after you. Have you been with him?"

"That's got nothing to do with you Ron" She began walking away when he spoke up again

"Yes it has! You're my girlfriend! AND I DON'T LIKE YOU BEING WITH THE LIKES OF HIM ALLANA!"

"I don't care what you don't like! He's my bestfriend! Second of all, STOP CALLING ME ALLANA. YOU KNOW ONLY HE CAN!" Thats when he quieted down "I'm sorry, But Ron this isn't working out. You don't trust me" He jumped up to her and tried to stop her from walking to her dorm

"No, Lana please"

"There's someone else that you have your eye on Ron, so there's no need to pretend you like me" She gave him one last smile and walked up stairs to her Dorm.


Lana walked into the great hall that morning and everyone was stood around the Slytherin table. She realized it was where Draco usually sat and sped up as she walked over to them. To see Ron and Draco fighting using their fists. Draco had a broken nose, And Ron had 2 black eyes. She ripped Ron from Draco and punched him in the jaw. Her fist stung and she knew she'd done something to hurt it, but she didn't care. She knelt down next to Draco.

"What did you do?" She ran her hand down the side of his face and he looked away, "hey! look at me" She turned him to face her and his nose was visibly broken. She wanted to make Ron jealous. Mainly because he had just broke his nose, but she almost broke his jaw. So she leaned down to his ear and whispered so only he could hear,

"I broke up with him, So looks like you'll get your kiss after all" She saw him smile and she helped him up, holding her wand to his face

"Episkey" She heard a click and his nose was fixed. "Beautiful Mr. Malfoy" It was only then that she realized everyone was still around them, but she didn't care. And the thought killed her that she knew what was happening. She was in love with Draco Malfoy.
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It's quite long, but it makes up for not updating yesterday! I still have a lot up my sleeve