They Were Natural Born Enemies

Me, Or Malfoy?

They both had to go to Potions, so Lana pushed past everyone and walked into the corridor. Only to be grabbed by Ron.

"What did you just whisper to Draco?" He was furious

"I don't think that has anything to do with you Ronald" She turned to walk away but he twisted her back around

"Maybe it doesn't. But you're going to tell me anyway" He had a really tight grip on her arm

"RON! GET OFF ME!" She ripped her arm from his grasp and punched him in the face, making him fall to the ground, holding his bleeding nose, "That was for Draco"


It was finally noon and Potions class was as boring as ever, considering she was with Dean Thomas. All he spoke about was Quidditch. So she was trying to hurry to the astronomy tower, only to be spotted by Hermione in the corridor.

"Lana!" She sighed and walked over to a suspicious Hermione, "Where are you going? I heard Harry is looking for you"

"I'm going... To the astronomy tower" Lana nodded and Hermione's eyes squinted

"Funny, I'm sure I just saw Draco Malfoy head up there not too long ago"

"Yeah, Funny... " There was a short silence "Okay fine, just don't tell Harry. Please? He's going to start a fight again, and I just want to spend time with Draco" Hermione smiled and nudged Lana

"Well, go on then! Don't want to keep him waiting"

Lana sped through the halls, up to the astronomy tower. Where Draco was Looking up at the bright sky.

"I'm not scared up here anymore you know" Draco turned round to face her and a smile crept across his cheeks

"Not even if you are in front of the railings?" Lana shook her head and Draco ran over, picking her up

"Draco! Dont!" She was laughing but trying to be serious, he pulled her over to the railings, but she resisted and held her hands on the bar. She could feel his breath against the back of her head. She felt like it was a titanic scene without the water.

"Are you going to tell me what happened with Ron then?" Lana was still out of breath.

"He found out you were with me the other night and punched me in the face"

“I don’t see why he should care, We’re bestfriends” She turned around to face him and she could see right through him. There was no hiding anything from her, “Draco, you need to tell me what’s wrong” His eyes moved from her right eye to her left rapidly

“Nothing’s wrong” She saw right through his fake smiles too.

“Look who you are trying to kid here” She held her hand up to his head and ran her fingers through his hair

“We can’t be like this forever you know” her hand dropped as he said that and she turned back to face the sky

“I know, but I can’t see why not. He’s trying to kill me, so what. When he does then I’ll be ready” She took a deep breath and he turned her around

“He isn’t going to kill you, or I’ll kill him” He cupped her face and pulled her face towards him, locking their lips together. Her hands wrapped around his neck and his around her waist. The moment felt perfect until it was rudely interrupted.

“ALLANA WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM?” There was a sudden outburst of noise. But she didn’t bother to stop with Draco. Instead she gave Ron a funny look and chose to be sarcastic

“Ron, can’t you see we’re busy? And stop calling me Allana” She returned her lips to Draco’s and Ron got so angry that he pulled out his wand.

“You’re crazy Weasley, you know that? If I remember correctly, you two broke up. So I think she has the right to kiss whoever she wants, and that evidently is me”

“YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT MALFOY! Let Allana choose who she wants” He looked at Lana with her hands still around Draco’s neck, “Me, Or Malfoy?” She looked at Ron, then Draco, then her arms that were around Draco.

“Er, I think It’s pretty clear, don’t you Ron?” He started shaking and ran down the spiral staircase, leaving Draco and Lana stood awkwardly, with Lana still looking were Ron was stood.

“I love you” That got her attention

“I love you too Draco” She smiled genuinely at him

“Be my Girlfriend?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment? Because I don't know if people like the storyline or not:')