They Were Natural Born Enemies


"No..." He's brows knotted together

"What?!" He removed his arms from her, "Not even 5 seconds ago, you said you love me!"

"That I do, But I don't want your life to be put at risk. Your Parents are going to want to meet your new girlfriend. That may get slightly awkward. 'Hello Mother, Father. Meet my new girlfriend, Allana Potter. Oh by the way, she's the girl that got tortured under this roof'. Nuh-uh, not happening!” She searched his face and found nothing but hurt “Draco, I would love nothing more than to be your girlfriend. But it isn’t so simple, you know that” She held her hand to his face and he couldn’t find the courage to speak up

“I don’t care, Allana. You wouldn’t be my girlfriend if you had the chance” Instead of arguing she wrapped her arms around him while he dug his head into her neck “Im s-“

“I know. What would you say if I were to permanently use a polyjuice potion, all the time if I was with you?”

“No way Al! I could never pretend you were someone else. It wouldn’t feel right”

“So we’re going to stay friends always until either me or Voldemort is dead?”

“Don’t say his name...”

“I’m not scared of him Draco, Incase that wasn’t already clear...” She pulled back to look at him, “Which is why I’m transferring to Durmstrang... I’m Sorry, but I have no choice. Maybe I’ll come back. Maybe I won’t, but you’ve just got to accept my decision. I want you to be safe, without having to worry about whether he’s finally killed me or not” She chuckled to herself and smiled, “I love you Draco, I guess this is all finally paying off”

“Wait, you’re going now? Durmstrang is for boys only! And Halfway through the school year? Do they even know you’re going?” Draco began to panic as Lana was edging away from him.

“Yes, They make exceptions if you threaten them, yes, and yes” She ran her hand down his cheek, “I just need to go to McGonagall’s office and use her fireplace then I’m gone” She smiled reassuringly at him but he was still scared out of his mind

“B-but you’ll be the only girl to go there in... Forever!”

“Lucky me... Let’s hope I don’t draw too much attention to myself” She sighed, “Just don’t get too disappointed if you find out I get a boyfriend. Remember that I’ll always love you Draco, No matter what”

“You’ll get a boyfriend?” That killed him

“I have to atleast try to get over you at some point, Don’t let it get you down though. I’ll always be right here” She pointed at the left side of his chest

“But what if that’s not enough?”

“You always think of something Draco. But you’ll forget me soon, everybody always does” Her voice cracked towards the end but she held her head high

“I definitely wont. What about the rest of your lessons today?”

“What’s the point in stalling? I’m going to go pack my things. Just don’t tell anybody where I’ve gone, If Harry asks; say I’ve gone back to Surrey. Capisce?”

“When will I see you again?”

“Oh so cliché! But hopefully never so you don’t have to go through as much pain as you are now... Goodbye Draco” She began walking down the steps and his eyes followed her all the way

“I love you” In return she just smiled. And that killed him inside.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my gassssssssshhhhhhhhhh! :o

Was that unexpected, or was that unexpected?