They Were Natural Born Enemies


*1 Year later, Lana’s POV*

It’s been a year today that I started at Durmstrang and it’s been the highlight of my life. I had the hottest guy in the school, I remained to be the only girl in school, and everything had fallen into place. That was until I was brought back to reality. Unfortunately, that reality was in Karkaroff’s Office.

“Potter, Come in” I sat in his office paranoid because the only reason he ever calls me into his office is when I skip class with Viktor.

“What’s up?”

“We’re moving you back to Hogwarts. Your grades were better there. And Viktor keeps on becoming distracted by you”


“We’ve packed your things, your trunks over there. Professor McGonagall is waiting for you in her office. Goodbye Potter”

I slowly walked over to the fireplace and Yelled ‘Hogwarts’ in the most confused voice I think I’ve ever done before. He was right. McGonagall was waiting for me. Along with a very angry looking Harry.

“LANA! I’VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU JUST LEFT!” He wrapped his arms around me and I was almost in tears.

“Draco. Where’s Draco?” That was all I could say

“What? I haven’t seen you in a year and you’re asking for Malfoy?”

“Evidently so” My voice was beginning to raise “WHERE IS HE?”

“Right here” Turns out he was waiting outside her office to see how long I’d last before asking for him
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry It's so short but I'll probably update again later to make up for it!

All the chapters from now are in Lana's POV (Unless stated)