They Were Natural Born Enemies

Miss me?

I ran to Draco and wrapped my arms around him.

“I’ve missed you so much”

“I heard your dating Viktor Krum, Classy”

“Pansy, huh? Real catch, she is” I kissed his cheek and he looked into my eyes.

“I’ve really missed you, Allana”

“Well, I’m here now!” I began walking out of the McGonagall’s office but she called me back.

“Mrs Potter, Your classes start tomorrow” I nodded and headed out into the corridors, with Draco’s hand in mine.

“What have you been doing while I’ve been gone?” We were in the Slytherin Common room, on one of the Sofa’s with me sat up straight, and his head on my lap, lay down.

“Started Quidditch again”

“Oh so you’ve finally got your muscles back”

“I’ve always had muscles!”

That’s when Pansy walked through the door.

“Potter?!? What are you doing here!”

“I’ve transferred back, miss me?”

“Draco? What about our date?” He sat up

“We’re over Pansy, can’t you see? You knew I still loved her, so it was bound to happen”

“Well you know who I’m going to tell?”

“Weasley?” Draco practically spat

“Really? No... I’m going to tell the dark lord.”