They Were Natural Born Enemies

Oh my god

Draco jumped up, which caused me to grab his hand and hold him back.

“NO! IF YOU DO THAT I’LL MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL” She was stood with her arms crossed looking proud of herself.

“Draco” I turned him around to face me and held his face, trying to comfort him, “I’m not scared of him, but I’m scared of what he’d do to you” I put my forehead to his for about a second and pulled away, looking at him straight, then at Pansy, “He’s all yours” I began walking out and stopped next to her, put my mouth to her ear and whispered, “I wouldn’t try anything though, instead of losing something else, you’d lose your dignity” She turned her head with her mouth in the shape of an ‘O’ and crossed her arms again

“Allana” Draco reached out to me but I carried on walking, stopping at the door, to turn around

“I’m sorry” I pushed myself away and went to crawl into bed, but I had a plan. Boy! Was it a good one.

I checked the clock and it was midnight. My time to shine!

I stepped out of the door, turning around to make sure the door didn’t shut too loud I heard a noise inside my dorm, so I shot through the school to the dungeons. But being caught along the way, by Crabbe.


“Allana? What are you doing?”

“I’m not tired. Just wondering about, Goodnight!” I hurried past him and he looked like he was hesitating to say something but refrained. I whispered the password and looked around before entering.

I finally reached my destination and slowly opened the door. I easily recognised Draco’s bed, but not the person in it. It definitely wasn’t Draco. Hell, it wasn’t even a boy! I had an idea who it was though. Then I was knocked back when I realized there was clothes all around the bed. My hand clapped over my mouth and I backed away, to be met with a half naked body, brushing their teeth.

“Allana? What are you doing here?!” He mumbled through the toothpaste in his mouth, And I pushed him into the bathroom, locking the door behind us.

“What is she doing here?!”

“I can explain”

“I already know your explanation. You couldn’t have waited for me, could you?”

“I-, you know-, I’m sorry”

“Sorry’s not good enough. It’s the first time I’ve seen you in a year and you sleep with a girl you have no feelings for. I’d understand if you actually liked the girl”

“I didn’t have a choice!”

“Oh yes you did. You know what, I’m going to him. He can use the cruciatus curse on me, maybe even the killing curse. Let’s hope its both” I turned around to leave but he grabbed my wrist.


“What more have I to live for Draco?” I ripped my arm from his grip, “My Parents are dead, my brother’s obsessed with finding out about Voldemort, And I just lost you...”

“You haven’t lost me” He held my elbows and I struggled out of his grasp

“You know what, Just let go of me, Draco!”

I turned around and opened the door, to see a smirking Pansy. I smiled sweetly at her, then brought my fist to her face.

“WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!” She was clutching her nose

“It slipped! Oh my God are you okay? Oh wait, I just remembered – I don’t care” I walked away feeling proud of myself, for the first time. Next step, Voldemort.