They Were Natural Born Enemies

You're supposed to be my best friend

Draco woke up with beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. It was that dream again. That dream that occurs every night. He got out of bed and ran straight into the bathroom. Looking at his distraught face and washing it with icy cold water. It's funny Crabbe or Goyle hasn't woken up yet. He climbed back into bed and all these thoughts rushed through his head. Why did It have to be me? Why do I have to be this? Then he remembered, He's only doing it because his Father wants him to. If it was his choice, he'd run away from everything, even the dark lord. But it isn't as easy as that.

"DRACO, WAKE UP!" He jolted up and frowned at the figure standing at the foot at his bed.

"What do you want Blaise?"

"It's Harry, he knows about Katie Bell" That woke him up.

"What? How?!" Draco started pacing the room, walking back and forth

"It was Lana, She broke down. He's going to want to know about why his sister is a mess isn't he?!"

Draco and Lana became best friends after the incident on the first year, She apologized and he forgave her. Harry really disliked them talking. But there was nothing he could do, He thought Draco was evil, Lana disagreed. Draco never did stop thinking about that first day of meeting her. You'd think it'd be a good thing. But it wasn't. She lied to him, about everything except her first name.

"Right" Draco couldn't believe it. Obviously it couldn't be true... could it?

Draco sped-walked through the school to the great hall and saw Lana, on her own. As usual. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the doors.

"Draco, get-"

"Why did you tell him?" He still had a grip on her wrist

"I dont know what you mean" She avoided his eyes

"You know exactly what I mean. Can I really trust you with anything? And Crying over it? That's pretty low, even for you." As soon as them words escaped his mouth he regretted it.
She raised her other hand and slapped him in the face.

"Lana, you know I didn't mean-"

"I DONT CARE DRACO!" Tears started to form "I dont, care" The last sentence hurt the most, because he knew she meant it.
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Isn't exactly the best chapter in the world but believe me, the story gets better and better x)!