They Were Natural Born Enemies

everything was lies..

Draco was sat in Potions, he couldn't stop thinking about Lana. He wanted to stay with her but he wasn't allowed, because of the lessons he had to attend. But Madam Pomfrey walked through the door.

"Draco Malfoy, to the hospital wing now please" He jumped up and walked straight out of the classroom. He sped through the corridors until he reached his destination. Lana looked lifeless in the bed. He took the chair next to her and held her hand, his head dropping.

"Lana, I'm sorry" He brought her hand in towards him, "Forgive me, please" She squeezed his hand and he looked up at her, she was looking at him with teary eyes

"It wasn't your fault Draco, It was... Harry's" That reminded him, She sat up and pulled him into a hug

"I can't do this Lana, I really can't" That was when Draco broke down, still hugging her

"Do what?" That's when she started to worry, She pushed him away, looked into his blue eyes and put her forehead against his

"I'm one of them, Lana. I'm one of them" He held out his forearm, and she slowly lifted his sleeve. She saw it and she lost her breath.

"Draco, I can't.. We can't talk anymore" His eyes grew wide

"No, Lana please, You can't leave me"

"Draco, He killed my parents, he's trying to kill me and Harry... I love you-" Draco couldn't believe what he just heard, "But I can't risk it, I'll tell you one last thing though..." She put her cheek to his and whispered into his ear, "My real name is Allana"