They Were Natural Born Enemies

The Dark Lords wishes..

Draco blinked and tears dropped, he sniffed and wiped his eyes.

"I'll see you around then Allana" he stood up straight and walked out of the hospital leaving Lana.

After that everything was just a blur to Draco. He stopped talking to his friends, he didn't talk to his parents. And what he had to for the Dark Lord was running circles in his mind. And that everything about the first day of meeting Lana, Or Allana was a lie. It stung his heart and he winced as Pansy Parkinson touched his shoulder.

"Malfoy, what's the matter?" he didn't move an inch.

"Nothing" He got up and stormed into his dorm. Whilst on his way there he saw Lana and she noticed a great difference in him. His face was paler and his eyes sunk deeper.

"Draco, Oh my god, are you okay?" She seemed concerned.

"I'm fine" She grabbed his arm and thats when he fully looked at her. She lightly touched his cheeks and he felt warmer once she did so.

"What's happened to you?" Her arms dropped by her side, while her shoulders hung

"I have to give someone to him Lana.."

"W-what? Who?" Her eyes bolted from his left to his right

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It's just a boring filler, But I submitted another today, wooo