They Were Natural Born Enemies

Stay away from me

"You" she pointed a finger at his face "You stay away from me"

That's when he knew he'd made a mistake. He didn't want to do this, he didn't have a choice.
He had to give her in to the dark lord, or else he'd kill him. She did everything to avoid him. She moved seats in classes to get as far away from him as possible. He didn't have anything to live for anymore. The only thing keeping him sane was seeing her face every once in a while.

Days had passed and she'd avoided him. He decided to wait outside her class. She walked out of the door and he followed her into the great hall. But she didn't sit down.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone" She didn't even need to look to know he was there

"And I thought you trusted me enough to know that I wouldn't hand you in to him" He clenched his jaw and she dragged him into the hallways

"Dont say you wasn't thinking about it Draco"

"I-I I didn't have a choice" He locked his eyes on hers

"Of course you did!"

"No, I didn't Allana"

"Why not? Why didn't you have a choice?" She crossed her arms and looked up at him

"Because he's going to kill me if I dont" As soon as he said that her arms dropped and wrapped themselves around him

"What? Why, what have you done?!" He rested his head on top of hers

"If I dont give you to him he's going to kill me, it's simple"

"Take me to him"

"Don't be ridiculous Lana" He chuckled and she felt him smile on her head

"I'm being serious Draco!" She pulled back and looked into his eyes again

"He'd kill you..."

"Rather me than you" He frowned at her "Please, You're my best friend. Just do this one thing for me"

"I can't, don't make me do this Allana!"

"I will Draco" At that moment she stood on her tiptoes "Look, I'm nearly taller than you" She always was one to crack a joke when everyone around her was unhappy. Draco leaned in to kiss her, everything was falling into place. And before their lips could touch, there was a loud cough next to them. It was Harry.
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They can never seem to stay away from each other for long can they?;p What will Draco do?