They Were Natural Born Enemies

Their first kiss

Draco looked up and became angry

"what do you want potter?!"

"You to get your hands off my sister!" Draco got angrier by the minute, until lana spoke up

"HARRY! You never cared before, so why now?!" That was when Lana started to get angry

"Because you don't know what he's like Lana! He's a death eater and he's going to try to-" He stopped talking when he realized Lana had put her hand into Draco's. Draco looked down at his hand entwined in Lana's and squeezed it gently. Lana noticed Harry beginning to pull out his wand from his robe but she stopped him before he could

"Expelliarmus!" the grip she had on her wand was making her knuckles turn white "What were you going to do Harry? Use the Sectumsempra curse on me again? Did you know Voldemort wants Draco to hand me in to him?" Draco Flinched and gripped Lana's hand a little tighter "And you know what, he wouldn't do it. He was going to risk his life to save me"

"What do you mean he was going to?" Harry eyed Lana

"I've told him to do it, he's taking me to the dark lord" Harry's eyes jumped from Lana to Draco

"No I'm not Allana"

"Yes you are" She cupped his face with both hands "I love you, Draco. And If you loved me, you'd take me to him" He did everything to avoid her gaze. But she turned his head to look at her and he grabbed her hand, pulled her into the girls bathroom and left Harry confused.

"I'm not doing it Lana" He hung his head and slowly began to cry. But he stopped when Moaning Myrtle jumped up beside them

"Ooooh, Draco Malfoy. This is the second time you've been in here crying, I'm beginning to think you just want to spend more time with me" She giggled and flew onto the window ledge.

"You are doing it Draco"

"He'll kill you" His eyes were attached to hers

" And if you don't he'll kill you, You're taking me to him, Draco Malfoy" She ruffled his hair and he struggled getting it back into place, "Im not kidding though, You-" She was cut off by him putting his lips to hers. He felt like fireworks were exploding around him. Though he never let his soft side show. He pulled away from her and she placed her forehead on his.

"You're not off the hook Malfoy"

"I know" She smiled and he grabbed her hand, dragging her out of the bathroom.